Hollywood’s Silence On Syria Is Deafening Posted by: Joshua - TopicsExpress


Hollywood’s Silence On Syria Is Deafening Posted by: Joshua Riddle September 8, 2013 Leave a comment This is why people hate Hollywood. They don’t ever miss a chance to call the Tea Party racist or call Bush a warmonger. When it comes to Obama, all we get is crickets… Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the conspicuous silence emanating from the Hollywood leftist elite on the subject of Syria? We have yet to hear the über intelligent foreign policy advice from the likes of Morgan Freeman, Cher, Matt Damon or Lady Gaga. I suppose the most noticeable silence is from the Harry Bellefonte camp. Harry has yet to utter one disparaging remark about the evil United States desiring to invade the poor suffering third world nation of Syria. For the last five years I have been nauseated at the insane attacks against the Tea Party for racism. We have heard Chris (tingling leg) Mathews rip and issue tirades regarding the racist Tea Party. We have listened to Rachel Maddow launch racist missiles at the right and of course the Hollywood elitist claim that we are nothing short of Adolf Hitler in our feelings toward minorities. Normally by now, the Hollywood stars both young and old would have made insulting remarks and insinuated at the least, to lop the head off the President for daring to use the United States military for anything other than food deliveries in impoverished countries. Sarah Jessica Parker would have been on Jay Leno’s couch to issue her usual liberal palaver and dribble. Cher would have issued a press release that somebody anybody needs to ride up to the White House on a horse with a noose swinging from the saddle horn. And of course we all know that by now in a normal situation, Bellefonte would be in padded cell eating Prozac.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 20:17:00 +0000

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