Hollywood’s Weekend Morning Report: Get your coffee and - TopicsExpress


Hollywood’s Weekend Morning Report: Get your coffee and pull up a chair cause this is one of those reports! REAL TALK! Let me tell you a story that is 100% real talk!...... Growing up while my Pops was in Vietnam Momma took my sisters and me to Buffalo to live with my Uncle TI and Aunt LA. My Grandmother (on Momma’s side) lived with them. I spent hours and days with Grandma not even knowing why but just that warm loved feeling you get from Grandparents was always around me while I was with her. She taught me how to play bones (that would be dominoes for some of yall), to laugh at myself, to slow down and notice the beauty of things in the world that God made and how important family is. She would get up early and make breakfast….Cheese grits, cheese eggs and biscuits. I would get up and sneak downstairs while she was in the kitchen and talk with her while she cooked. She would make me a little plate to eat and give me some juice while it was just us up. Once we heard someone stir and go into the bathroom she would shoo me back upstairs and tell me to act like I was sleep until some more people got up. As she got older she would shuttle from uncle to aunt to stay with all of her kids and their families because we don’t do old folks homes. Once they get to a point where they can no longer take care of themselves it’s their children’s turn to take care of the parent. On the trips that she stayed with us in Colorado we would walk down the street together, laughing, talking and looking at the beauty God left for us to see. By this age I would go into the kitchen and cook some food and take it to her in her room. After she was done eating she would whoop me in bones until it was time for her to nap. Of course as a child growing up; you don’t realize how important that bond and love between grandparent and grandchild is until later. When I joined the Air Force we did write back and forth. I knew I would get a letter from her at least once a week. She passed away while I was in Germany in ALS school. Pops being a retired 1st Sgt knew the best thing career wise was to stay in ALS and graduate instead of come home. I called Pops from the pay phone in the NCO club on Ramstein AFB to share with him the news that I had graduated from ALS that day when he told me about Grandmother passing. I can tell you it was like getting hit by a semi truck going 100 miles an hour. And my hate towards God for taking her away from me went out of control! I stopped going to church, stopped praying, stopped praising, started drinking a lot, getting into fights, in trouble at work, on base and arrested twice. As years passed my hatred stayed. Until THAT night! I was in the house that I live in now, it was another day for me, nothing unusual, ate dinner, cleaned up, took a shower, laid down in bed with the tv sleep timer set and went to sleep. I was separated at the time and was in the house alone. Sometime in the night and I’m not sure when, I felt someone sit on the left side of the bed. (and no I was not dreaming) I opened my eyes and he asked me - Why am i mad at him, why have I chosen to block him out of my life. I told him about the pain he put on me when he took my Grandma from me before I could have a chance to say good-bye and let her know how much I loved her. As he put his head down I then felt someone sit on the right side of the bed. (yes, at this time I was wide awake) As I turned my head to see who was now sitting on my bed I could feel that love and comfort feeling wash over my body and there she was. She gave me her smile and placed her hand on my chest and told me, “You have to let all that pain and hatred that you have bottled up in you go! I am ok and I am happy where I am. Let it go baby” I turned my head back to the left and he was gone and when I looked back to the right she was too. I’ve only told this to my Momma and sisters but there is a point to why I am letting you know now. People have always told me since that night that when they come into my house they just feel so warm, relaxed and loved and I know it is because of my Grandmother who likes to watch over me. Can you give me another reason why I was in a hit and run on my motorcycle with a truck that was going over 40 mph, bike totaled and not a scratch on me? Anywho, as I was praying last night Erika had a dream where she had a sit-down with Grandma. Keep in mind Erika has never seen a picture of her and yet she tells me that she had a dream last night that this little lady with a cane in a long baggy gown, who does not like being interrupted when talking, told her to let me know that everything is going to be alright and then hugged her. She did describe my grandmother to a tee and again she has never seen her. But I sent her a picture of momma, Aunt LA and Aunt Frances (who looks JUST like Grandma) and she said she looks like the one in the middle but older. I leave you today with this: I have known for years that my Grandmother is in my house watching over me. She might not be there every night but I know she is there a lot. Now I’m not going to knock on your door and tell you that you need to go to church. Not going to tell you that without him you will burn in hell. But what I am going to tell you is this….When I place my troubles at his feet he takes care of them for me. He allowed me to say good bye and I love you that night in my house, he allowed me to feel that love again so that I could let go of so much pain and anger. And after Erika’s conversation with my grandmother and telling me what she said, my stomach pain/knot is gone. I know parts are hard to believe, hell I didn’t believe it myself for about 4 months! But you are always welcome to come to the house for a spell and let me know how grandmother love you feel. Ladies and Gentlemen, Love is the greatest feeling in the world! Have you told yours that you do lately? Are you waiting to tell them tomorrow? Because what if tomorrow doesn’t come? I love you all, for you are family to me. ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND AND BE SAFE! MUCH LUV!!! Now Dance People!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:15:26 +0000

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