Holy Communion for a Holy Soul? Here below is a fascinating - TopicsExpress


Holy Communion for a Holy Soul? Here below is a fascinating email: Dear Ben, Something very odd happened to me at Mass about a year ago. I was attending Mass during lunch as normal, and I was doing a lot of praying. I was praying for people I know who are either very ill or I believe are in Purgatory. During Mass my mind wandered off to one of the persons I believe is in Purgatory and my prayers had been leaning in his direction, I briefly felt something like a spiritual connection or channel open up, words fail me here and this is my best description of what I felt at that moment. I went up to receive the Eucharist. The priest had almost placed the Host in my hand, he still had it in his fingers when it suddenly vanished. I heard some sound like the sound a playing card makes when you pull it quickly from a deck, and I SAW THE HOST VANISH. I had my eyes on the Host when it disappeared. I saw that it was in the priest’s fingers and just about in my hand when it disappeared. We thought it had fallen on the floor, but it was not there. I received another Host. Before I left the chapel, I shook my clothes to see if anything would fall out. There was nothing. During lunch I checked my pockets, shoes and slacks, but I found nothing. Nothing has gone up my sleeves. I called up Father to see if he had found the Host. He told me he had looked around after Mass and couldn’t find the vanished Host anywhere. He couldn’t find it in his vestments or anything. He was very perplexed because this has never happened to him. This has never happened to me either. I told Father that when I hear people talk about miracles or I read about them, I tend to be skeptical. I try to find a natural explanation for what happened. I told my former supervisor who is devout Eastern Orthodox what happened at Mass and he was perplexed too. He agreed that I had a healthy skepticism; however, he told me of miracles in the Orthodox Church with regard to the consecrated bread. He asked me if I thought James Randi could duplicate with sleight of hand what happened, and I said yes. Stage magicians do it all the time. I said the difference here is that no one in this situation intended any sleight of hand nor expected anything to happen. Later I folded up one of those little paper bags that Lipton teabags come in until it was about the size and consistency of the vanished Host. I tried out different trajectories with it in my cubical, and I handled it with my fingers in different ways to see if Father could have inadvertently put some kind of force or spin on the Host to make it fly off. After work, I went to the chapel where this had happened and searched every possible nook and cranny even to the point of taking cushions off the front pews. If a consecrated Host was lying around somewhere, I had to recover it. I looked under the first three rows of pews. I checked all around the Altar. I retraced Father’s steps after Communion, and I also checked the sacristy and vestments, but found nothing. All I know was that the Host was there one moment and then totally gone in an instant. I have never experienced this before nor since. I have but one question: What happened? What do you think happened? Yours in Christ, Dagmara My response: I do not know what happened. All I can say is that we can put no limits on God’s power and it is possible that He decided to grant Holy Communion to this soul, as He did to BLESSED IMELDA LAMBERTINI. All things are possible to God. To enroll living persons: knocknovena/application3l.htm To enroll deceased persons: knocknovena/application3d.htm
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 15:40:38 +0000

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