((Holy Dear lord who thought 16 years would be so LONG. xD Read - TopicsExpress


((Holy Dear lord who thought 16 years would be so LONG. xD Read it if you want, you might get the chance to learn about me. c: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My story starts on the warm summer day of August 1st,1997, in Scottsdale, Arizona. I was an only child until my sister, Sarah, was born on April 3rd, 1999, and then soon after came my brother, Michael, on June 6th, 2000. As small children, both my siblings and I were always a bit different. Our ancestry comes from a long line of… Well of Witches, Some of my ancestors were burned at the Salem Witch Trials, one name I know was “Rebecca Nurse”, you can look that up if you want. Therefore, we have a bloodline, and I also have a birthmark called a “Witches Mark”, but I can’t show it to you because it’s on my butt. >v< As a small child, I used to have horrible nightmares that I had no power to wake up from. These were called “Night Terrors”. One specifically that I remember was called “The Man On The Moon.” I would dream of things that would absolutely terrify a small child. The floor falling out from under me, and my bed eating me and my mom. (Silly things, I know, but being like… 3, 4, or 5, these things were horrifying) and I would scream in my sleep. The only thing that would get me to calm down was running water, and my mother would wake up and take me into the bathroom and run everything. The sink, the tub, the shower, anything to create the noise of running water. Somehow… This helped. (I don’t remember the nightmares, so I can’t tell you exactly what happened when that sound came) Eventually my mom became suspicious of my, well true meaning behind these nightmares. And I was taken to a Doctor. This doctor ran an IQ test on me. And it turns out that I was an AMAZINGLY intelligent person. (I think it was like, 173? And I was about 3 years old I believe.) I knew math, and all sorts of things. The doctor even thought my mom was giving me answers, and told her to leave the room, and I still got these things right! xD It turns out that my IQ was causing those night terrors. And eventually… I actually grew out of it. But my mom had to make me a little bed inside the closet, and I would sleep there with no difficulties. The first time, my mom told me the story, she said that when she opened the door in the morning, I looked up at her with this huge smile, and I said, “Mommy he didn’t get me! The Man on the Moon didn’t get me!” Along with this IQ, I also talked to dead people. I was a psychic? Yeah that. I predicted my grandmother arriving at our house minutes before she pulled in the driveway, and I was across the house. (MY MOM ACTUALLY HAS PROOF OF THIS IN THE FORM OF A VIDEO SO YOU HUSH ABOUT ME LYING) Though I seem to have had a nice childhood… I was actually pretty introverted. This started around the time I started going to school. We used to move once every single year. Switching schools and everything. The first few times, it hurt… I didn’t want to leave all my friends. But after a couple times, my intelligent self noticed a pattern. And I adjusted. I built a wall around myself, and didn’t let anyone get close to me, emotionally. This worked, and the pain stopped. Around this time I also started to notice that the relationship between my mother and father was deteriorating. They fought a lot… Never in front of us but… I knew. I knew they fought because I could hear them at night when I couldn’t sleep. I won’t bore you with that, Aiyah you don’t need to hear stories about my parents fighting. xD A few years later, when I was like, 10 I think. We made what I still call “The Big Move” This was the year I moved all the way from Arizona(Notspecifyingacitybecauseyoushouldknowwhy), to Moneta, Virginia. To be honest, I was so nervous. We were moving so far away this time, all the way to a different climate, different state, less Spanish that I was SO used to hearing. When we first got to Virginia, it was cold. God how I remember the cold. I HATED IT. I hate hate hate the cold, but my parents PROMISED, they promised that we would NEVER move again. We lived in this HUGE 100 year old house. It had servant stairways, halls, and bathrooms. And it was haunted. My sixth sense or whatever ALWAYS bothered me in that house, I couldn’t sleep on my stomach or side. I always had to have my back against SOMETHING solid, or else the feeling that someone was watching me would NEVER go away and let me sleep. (I have plenty of Ghost Stories from that house, feel free to ask if you’re curious) I went to this Elementary school that was right down the street. Called, Moneta Elementary. Despite my parents’ promise… I went with a closed heart, I never let anyone get close to me. This changed when I went to Middle School, I went to “Stantoun River Middle School”, or SRMS. At SRMS was where I met my friend, Haley. I was lonely, since my parents seemed to be considering divorce now, and I decided that… Well… Maybe I’d give this place a chance. I opened myself up a bit. I also started dating. My first boyfriend was a boy called “Chance”. It wasn’t really… Well it wasn’t really a RELATIONSHIP, we just sort of still acted like friends. We didn’t kiss or anything either. I remember we said that “It was just a title”. Because of that, when we “broke up”, it didn’t really affect me much. Around this time, my parents had divorced, and I had started seeing more of my future Step-father, Brack. I missed my dad, despite his… Quirks. Let’s just say that he would probably have been a better Friend than a father. Brack was different though, he even asked US (My siblings and I) if it was okay for him to marry our mom. Brack and mom got married, and they seemed happier. The mood in my house lifted and we were happy! I even met my, second boyfriend, Dylan. Dylan and I had a more romantic relationship, I had my first kiss with him in the roller rink of Moneta. I remember Brack giving me such a “Dad” look when I told him on the drive home. XD It seemed like my life was finally anchoring down. I would visit my dad occasionally, I had “Friends”, and I was doing good in school. Then, around the time when I was supposed to start my Freshman year of highschool. My mom broke her promise. She asked us first, and said we wouldn’t go if even ONE of us didn’t want to go. We all agreed though. This was the time we were moving to Florida. October 10th. I remember the date. October 10th was the day I left school, and then a week later. We moved. I broke up with Dylan, but… I noticed that I wasn’t really… Friends with these people at all. Because it didn’t HURT. I didn’t care. I missed Haley for… about a month before I got settled into Florida. I started my new school at Seminole Ridge. Oh how it was warm in Florida. I had my warm back. I was so happy with the humid and warm air. Though Arizona will always hold a special place in my heart. Florida is where now most of my current and more interesting aspects of life begin. I was closed off, as per usual, and I didn’t care to make many friends. Though I did end up with another boyfriend. His name was Mikel. (I called him Mike, because my brother was Michael.) We broke up too, in another uneventful thing I didn’t CARE ABOUT AT ALL. It was because he was moving. =v= I remember my other guy-friend said that it was the “calmest breakup he had ever seen”. Howver… During the time I was dating Mike, I made the best decision I can ever make… On December 12th, 2012. I created my first page. I had been into the Hetalia fandom for a little bit, and I decided to take up RPing. The page changed my life. I found it so much easier to connect and bond with people online. Because no matter where you go… You guys can’t leave me. I always have you to turn to no matter what. After breaking up with Mikel, I was single for about a month? Before I got into another relationship. (Everybody wants THIS. xD) This boyfriend’s name was Arnaldo. He was a shyish geek boy who liked gaming, and I was his FIRST Girlfriend. I also didn’t give a shit about him. This was about the time that my life emmersed into my Pages and RPing. I loved it so much. I also started to notice that I was changing… My curl showed up (Yes I have a curl, it’s called Arizona, and yes. IT WORKS. =~=) and I realized how little I cared for boys… I could never attach to boys and hold down a relationship, and eventually I also broke up with Arnaldo. However, a few weeks after, I met… Well I met Emma. Emma is a girl who lives in Indiana. I met her through RPing on my Japan and Spain pages. Talking to her, oh GOD I was nervous. We started to get to know eachother better, and the more I talked to her… The more I noticed this… This weird feeling in my chest. I didn’t know what it was, and I can feel it as I type this. I feel it when I talk to her… I feel it when I talk ABOUT her, and especially when I talk TO her. Our characters started dating, and we grew closer. We started talking through email. We started talking more. Every time I get an Email or a RP notification from her I smile. I realized that this is what it felt like to… To really LIKE someone else. We got closer and closer, and eventually… I ended up admitting my crush on her through my page. I had to do something for likes, and it was write letters. One of them was write a litter to your crush. Emma knew it was her. And then I was SO embarrassed, so FLUSTERED. Then she told me that she actually rather fancied me too. I was so happy. I cried actually. Somehow Emma managed to break through my wall. We talk a lot now, and I can’t wait to see her for the first time during Spring Break. She went on vacation once, and I felt hurt. Hurt I’d never felt before. I missed Emma. I missed her a lot and I actually made a small squeal of happiness when I finally heard from her again. These feelings are still so new to me… I’m afraid of rejection… I’ve also realized that I am rather afraid of being alone… I just want people to be around me. To talk to me. To care about me. And I want people that I can care about too. Emma’s given that to me. And I’m happy. Sitting here writing this, I realize that I may not be the most perfect person. I burn easy because I stay inside a lot. I get sick REALLY easy because my Immune System really seems to suck. (Funny story, while in Virginia I woke up with Scarlet Fever. Literally. I was fine the day before. No sore throat. No fever. No nothing. I woke up with this pins and needles rash on my hands and feet. Thinking it was nothing, I proceeded to go to school. I showed my mom when I got home. And she, being a nurse, grew super worried. And took me to the ER, and then to the Doctor the next day. I wasn’t allowed to go outside because my heart was in danger. Raising my heart rate would’ve caused the infection to slip into my blood and ultimately to my heart. I could’ve died.) But I’m happy. Thanks to you guys, I have the people and friends I have wanted for so long. Thank you!!! :D
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 12:14:47 +0000

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