Holy Mother Earth, Pictures made into GOD´S, The True Power of - TopicsExpress


Holy Mother Earth, Pictures made into GOD´S, The True Power of Woman. I want to relate to you how liars took educational interpretations of spiritual matters and turned them into religions. So easily done, since a picture can speak so many words. We all know from school days that they made us learn words or names of things was by using drawings and pictures, it was fun and more easy to associate relate and remember. It was all so simple, you saw a picture and bam!! You knew/remember or relate to what it shows or means. So I want to share with you pictures, and what they mean now to me, since in the past I myself worshiped them and viewed them as GOD until I realise there is only one Supreme Lord of All the only one to be worshiped, adored and called upon, and HE be the only one that trully have our life in HIS hands, the Controler of All. So many names HE is known by and we not going to fight about it, cause we cant make GOD, HE made us, and any name we know and attempt we make towards HIS worship its just out of HIS endless mercy through the revelations of the Holy Spirit to so many chosen ones around the world. There are so many paths that lead to the same goal. I realised and I feel that this is how it is, and it make sense to me, maybe im wrong but to me all things should make sense because if not it will be confusing and we all know that confusion don’t work well. Things should be simple and clear. The belief in the One and only True Almighty GOD Creator is the believe in oneself, that spark or part of HIM that is in all of us, all aroud us. I was told that the creating energy of GOD or HIS material manifestacion or call HER the other side or part of HIM, SHE is visible in the whole creation, in the world, the earth, each one of us and all the material things we see, and all of those things that we cant see but that are so there. Guys as I said I don’t have to be right or wrong I just share this with you cause I feel it so, I was inspired to. Its important to take some time out, I know at times its not easy, we got so much going on so much to do, but its also important and beneficial to stop, contemplate and relate to everything in life, relaying always on the guidance of the holy spirit, which to me is present in all the earth all that surround it including us. And she guides us towars the truth. This is representation of mother earth, she goes by the of Mother Durga the qualities of our nurturing mother earth, strong, protecting, peaceful but she looks like she can put up a fight to defend and protect her children. Another picture of Durga Mata. I want to relate to you how the wicked cheating lying ones made sure, the power of a woman was not reavealed, the picture shows the full power of woman, even in the bible she is blamed for the fruit, and see she didn’t have to treating him with anything , like a rock a peace of wood or even choking him, what powers did she really have, to make the man eat the fruti? If something is not clear or make sence to you, dont just take it, search, seek you will find it, if you dont have the time, no worries the whole truth will shine eventually, its all a matter of time I believe that the sooner the better. Lets look back in history when woman was the priority, woman was cheriched and respected, there king listen to them, cause he was inspired by here or there wonderful greatness, it was soooo easy for man the be blessed, all he had to do is keep her cared for, respect cherich and make her smile once in a while, but man, who knows what happen to them. Oh yes selfishness is part it. Here is the representation of the trinity of the human being. Shiva representes body, Vishnu represents the soul and Bhrama represents the mind, and look who is behind them, who is their mama? Devi Ma , makes me wonder....... Shiva displays or refers to the virtues and habilitie of the body. Vishnu represent the soul, the love, its virtues and qualities Brhama is the mind, its has 4 faces, Im not sure but I says that each face represents the creative face, the destructive face, the teaching face and the artistic face in humans. For each representation of the human trinity GOD gave them a counterpart, look how beautiful and full extras they are, we got it all! Here is Tri-Devi Parvati represent the beauty and abilities body, Laxmi represents the majestic wealth of the soul and then Saraswati who represents the wonders of mind. Their color has nothing to do with race, not only scriptures got distorted by human, also some pictures also, just like the pictures of Krishna and in his stories he is black, the only one who was and he was teased often when he was a kid cause the others did not understand, even though some of his companions had different colors, just like any wonderful story with vivid colorful pictures, ok Krishna is the ultimate most sweet, wonderful story of the love inside of us, he is one of Vishnu ´s 10 forms, and Krishna basically displayed the 5 different types of love and its many stages and forms of feelings of love, towards each other and in reference to the love of GOD which is the most supreme. Krishna is mostly painted blue, but on the real he was black or dark blue! I worshiped Krishna for more than 7 years, we all do things that when we realise diferent we do diferent, before we give can give up someting we also gain something, and that happen to all of us in so many diferent ways and levels. Here is Parvati Shiva and their son Ganesh, fiscally they represent the beauty of creating new life, enjoying the fact that the child will only reveal love, all their true colors and hidden qualities of the parents, when things are done the right way, when mom and dad care and look for themselves in the child. Is it possible? youtube/watch?v=4znPKb7LUSI Vishnu and Laxmi What is a man without a great woman to stand by him, support him and help him become and realise all that he truely is, there is picture where laxmi masages Vishnus feet, thats a sign of ultimate love and respect, but the beauty of it is that Vishnu never asked for it, just for who he treated her she was inspired by love to do so. Just as some muslim woman who cover all their body, the origine of this custom was woman who had great husbands who loved and respected them so much that they desire in free will, not to be seen by no other man but their own husband, not like these days when men is cruel and mean to woman but still demand so much from them, its not like that, you earn you inspire feelings in each other the right way. Bhrama and Saraswati Im wondering how comes there are no picture with them together, there got to be something to it, I will try search it, if u know or find it out first please let me know. Then to end here is our protecting mother, also refers to as death, the death of all wrong qualities and aptitudes and attitudes in us and also the sweet liberatin death, that free us from material existence and takes us back home to our Beloved. Mother Kali or Kali Ma, so strong that she has the power to put any man on the floor check it out, sorry guys nothing personal, you know how naughty you can be at times and you need to put in check, especially when you are out of control, doing or acting crazy, no wonder there are so many woman in jail because they had to cut their mate with a machete to defend herself or her children. Kali comes from the word Kala that means black; Hmmmm is that why they say black is power?????? So here I conclude, mostly I do this cause I know there are soooo many lies out there but also so much truth, so many teachings and ways of understanding life in different levels, physical and spiritual opening the mind to acquire a higher state of consciousness. But some human likes and enjoys confrontation, creating separation, make differences that cause conflict with each other. Doctrins and religions should help to bring us all together, not separate and hate or condem each other, no matter the group or place of worship, everywhere there are real true believers and lovers of GOD and then there are the liars cheaters who just act and pretend but are there to make trouble misguide. I can imagine as if i was living in those old days, when to each, spirituality was personal, and the love and respect that each individual had for each other was based on the fact that we are all created by the same ONE GOD, no matter how we see, feel or realise HIM. Thank you so much for your time and for reading it. SAT SRI AKAL
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:13:17 +0000

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