Holy Mother of Messages Batman, so here goes MEAL Planning - TopicsExpress


Holy Mother of Messages Batman, so here goes MEAL Planning 101: Its not that hard to plan a weeks worth of meals ahead and eat healthy 5 times a day. Its cost effective, waistline effective and the way it is structured, it helps you reach your fitness goals. When you want to lose weight, its about portion control. We have HUGE problems with overeating and eating erratically throughout the day. The number one thing I share with my folks is get on a pattern. Eat every 2-3hrs, small meals and balanced. This will equate to about 5 meals a day. ONE meal a day, I replace with a shake. Always have and always will. I believe post workout shakes are built for fast absorption after a good workout. Its just smart and for all the years I have been coaching and training, that has never changed. I use BULK cooking for me and my family. Go to your Costco, or Sams, or whatever you use. I am an Organic eater big time, so I use Whole Foods. I know they are clean and I can buys foods without pesticides and hormones. I know some cant always do that, but I will give up in other parts of my life to have clean, non processed and healthy foods in my house. I hear some people say, Organic vs. NonOrganic - there is no difference. BS. Organic is usually farmed fields and raised livestock without ANY injections, synthetic hormones, antibiotics, pesticide sprays, etc. So, thats my take.... Okay, lets move along. I know that I will have 1 Shake a day 4 meals a day That equates to 7 shakes in a week 28 meals My workouts are super early, So I know that meal #1 will be Shakeology with fruit I know that meals #2 and #3 will have small portion of protein portion of complex carbs So this means 14 of my containers will be this way I know that meals # 4 will have small portion of protein and a bunch of veggies *usually greens* I know that meals #5 will have small portion of protein and small amount of veggies maybe a dash of fat So, that means, I need 28 svgs of protein (egg white, fish, chicken, beans, etc) 14 svgs of carbs (yam, sweet potato, quinoa, rice, etc) 14 svgs of veggies (usually a cup of greens - whatever I want) Fats can come in almonds, peanut butter, avocados or coconut oil The smartest way for YOU to work this, is to simply pop out a calculator and hit the store. If YOU were to pick only one protein option, lets just say chicken. And each meal is ?? oz, you will need 28 x ?? oz = ??? oz of chicken breast. ( I put question marks because EVERY person is different with portion needs for their goals; that is why I am on the phone with a lot of people each week customizing) Just read your packages at the store and match it up. Frozen, fresh, whatever you choose, just match it up. (Now I am certain you will not only eat chicken breast, but for the sake of ease in this post, that is just a quick easy way to do the math) You can always choose frozen veggies for your portions and/or fresh. If you are on the go a lot, the frozen might just be best for you. Because I do this for a career, I usually hit up Whole Foods every 3 days just for new fresh veggies and fruits. The best way to PREP is to literally line up your dining table with meals #2, #3, #4, and #5 and label the top of each one. It will look like groundhog day and repetitive, but this is where seasonings can change up monotony, and such. And if you want to get in shape, this is part of the process. Its about cooking YOUR meals, and getting the calories your body needs, without trusting the drive-thru for your success. If you want to lose weight, you need to stop letting the world serve you. And trust me, you will save money, all the way across the board. I spend $25 a week on Shakes And when I plan right, my food can be super effective with bulk cooking. When you plan like this, you will succeed. Added Tips: Always check out what lean meats are on sale for your protein Always check out what fruits and veggies are on sale Always look for variety in seasonings on the spice aisle Every night, pull meals 2-5 out of the freezer/ let them thaw in the fridge This is what has made my body and goals a success, when I want something bad enough. You might think this is a lot of work, but its like 2-3 hrs on a Sunday, and takes care of 28 meals. Thats not work, thats a blessing, a time saver, a waistline saver, a money saver, and a goal hitter. Just ask anyone in this industry! =) Happy Cooking! Clarissa
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:09:08 +0000

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