Holy New Jerusalem Bride Church THIS WEEK’S (11/1/2015 - TopicsExpress


Holy New Jerusalem Bride Church THIS WEEK’S (11/1/2015 SUNDAY) LORD’S MESSAGE REVEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT TO THE CHURCH IS THAT WE HAVE TO TRUST IN LORD” NOT IN “MAN” (JER 17:5-8). “THIS IS WHAT THE LORD SAYS: ‘CURSED IS THE ONE WHO TRUSTS IN MAN, WHO DRAWS STRENGTH FROM MERE FLESH AND WHOSE HEART TURNS AWAY FROM THE LORD” (JER 17:5). “THAT PERSON WILL BE LIKE A BUSH IN THE WASTELANDS; THEY WILL NOT SEE PROSPERITY WHEN IT COMES. THEY WILL DWELL IN THE PARCHED PLACES OF THE DESERT, IN A SALT LAND WHERE NO ONE LIVES” (JER 17:6). “BUT BLESSED IS THE ONE WHO TRUSTS IN THE LORD, WHOSE CONFIDENCE IS IN HIM” (JER 17:7) “THEY WILL BE LIKE A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATER THAT SENDS OUT ITS ROOTS BY THE STREAM. IT DOES NOT FEAR WHEN HEAT COMES; ITS LEAVES ARE ALWAYS GREEN. IT HAS NO WORRIES IN A YEAR OF DROUGHT AND NEVER FAILS TO BEAR FRUIT” (JER 17:8). Rev Apostles / Prophets / Evangelists / Pastors / Teachers and People of Lord, God the Father says through the Prophet Isaiah about the Person who trusts in “Man” and the Person who trusts in “Lord”. Here we can see two parts. The first Part deals with the Person who trusts in Man and his life (See Verse 5&6). The Second part deals with the person who trusts in Lord and his life (See Verse 7&8). THE STAGE OF THE CURSED:- God the Father says through His Prophet Isaiah that the life of the People who trust in Man will be cursed. The Jewish people trusted upon Man and depended on flesh for their strength. So they are cursed (See Verse 5). God the Father says that their sins are engraved with an iron tool, inscribed with a flint point on the tablets of their hearts and on the horns of their altars (See Jer 17:1). The life of the Cursed one who trusts in Man will 1. Be Like a bush in the wastelands. 2. Not see the prosperity when it comes. 3. Dwell in the parched places of the desert. 4. Dwell in the salt land where no one lives. (See Verse 6). During the Period of Moses, Israelites didn’t trust the Lord, who made them to cross over the Sea by dividing the waters of the Sea in to two, but trusted the Golden Calf as their God (See Ex 32:4). They turned their hearts to the Golden Calf. As a result all of them were killed and no one except Joshua and Caleb had entered into Canaan. So if we trust in Man and turn away our hearts from the Lord, We’ll be Cursed and our life will be as said above. THE STAGE OF THE BLESSED:- God the Father says through the Prophets Isaiah that One who trusts in the Lord will be blessed (See Verse 7). The Life of the Blessed one who trusts in Lord will 1. Be Like a tree planted by the water that sends out its root by stream. 2. Not fear when heat comes. 3. Its leaves are always Green. 4. Has no worries in a year of drought. 5. Never fails to bear fruit. (See Verse 8). The One who trusts the Lord and obeys His commands will come to no harm (See Ecc 8:5). The Life of the one who keeps His Law will be Successful wherever he goes. The Life of the one who trusts and obeys His command will be prosperous. (See Jos 1:7, 8). WHOM ARE WE TRUSTING? MAN OR LORD? Lord Jesus has promised us the “Eternal Life” (See 1Jn 2:25). On trusting and obeying the Lord’s truth we can inherit the Eternal Life that the Lord has promised. HOW CAN WE GET ETERNAL LIFE? Lord Jesus answered to the Rich Young Man about getting Eternal Life as “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Mt 19: 16-21). 1. To inherit the Eternal Life we should become “PERFECT”. 2. We have to Prepare as Perfect Souls, Perfect Saints and Perfect Church. 3. We should not think that because of doing good and because of confessing God is Good and because of bearing saints with Money, we can enter into Zion, the Eternity. 4. “Canaan” should not be our aim. Our aim should be inheriting the “THRONE OF GOD”, “GOD’S IMAGE”, “GOD’S LIKENESS” and GOD’S GLORY” 5. We should put on the “NEW SELF” created to be like God (Eph 4:24)(Col 3:10). 6. We should reach the “FULLNESS” of Christ. SATAN’S STRUGGLE ON PRACTICING GOD’S COMMAND:- 1. Satan (Dragon) who is in the Second Sky, is making a block that no one should go to Zion by using his 17 sinful nature or deeds of flesh (Gal 5:19-21). 2. If we overcome one sin, Satan will try to defeat our holiness by inducing to commit the other sin. So that we cannot attain “Perfect Holiness” which qualifies us to go to Zion. IDOLS:- 1. “Idol” means not only a Statute of someone but also the Sin which we cannot able to overcome in our day to day life. 2. Holy Spirit rebukes through the Apostle Paul as “White Washed Wall” (See Ac 23:3). If we do not overcome all the Sins of Satan, we are also called as “White Washed Wall”. CONCLUSION:- The One who practices the Truth and trusts the Lord even whatever situation he come across is the “Blessed”. Amen!! In Christ’s Service, Chief Apostle. I. ASIRVATHAM, Holy New Jerusalem Bride Church, India. FOR ANY PRAYER REQUEST OR DOUBTS AND CLARIFICATION, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL US WITHOUT FAIL. MY MAIL ADDRESS:- CHIEF APOSTLE I.ASIRVATHAM “HOLY NEW JERUSALEM BRIDE CHURCH” 181/1, Bethel home, Thiyagaraya Nagar, Ganthigram-PO, Dindugul-624 306, Tamil Nadu, South India, INDIA. Phone: 0451-2452162, mobile: 00 91 9443464957.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:38:40 +0000

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