Holy Spirit speaks to us from the mind of Christ concerning the - TopicsExpress


Holy Spirit speaks to us from the mind of Christ concerning the Fathers specific Will for us individually. The Bible has been given to us for doctrine, inspiration, rebuke, correction and instruction. (2Timothy3:16) It is in total agreement with the born again spirit that we are. The Word and the spirit agree, because our spirit is born of the Word. (1Peter 1:23) Do not neglect one at the expense of the other. The born again believer utilizes the Word of God and the Holy Spirit so that his spirit man grows (is edified and built up). We are Gods building. Edify the True you (spirit) as you mortify (continue to enforce the death nature of) the old you that has been declared dead. If any man be IN Christ, he is a new creation. A new species! No longer a sinner, but a royal priesthood, holy in the image of God his true Father. Religion has lied to us long enough. Let us continue to fellowship with the Spirit of Truth. #jude20 #EDIFYyourSpirit #MORTIFYtheFlesh
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 22:03:18 +0000

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