Holy crap. Fair warning slightly long story time coming. Do you - TopicsExpress


Holy crap. Fair warning slightly long story time coming. Do you ever have one of those days where it seems like everything in the world is trying to keep you from getting your workout done and done right??? Today we had a terrible snow storm and the roads were absolutely dead stopped everywhere. So instead of taking the probably hour and a half at least drive back home to use my normal gym that I love that has all the equipment I like (not to mention where I can actually record) I went to the old commercial gym I still havent gotten rid of my membership for near work to wait for traffic to die down. Anyway I was super tired from not sleeping well the last two nights, two twelve hour work days in a row, just not feeling it. Of course today couldnt be bench day or anything easy it called for a 5x8 at 270 on squats, a 5x5 at 355 on deadlifts and 3x12 leg press. So I get to there and get through my squats not TOO bad but definitely more of a struggle than usual, but then deadlifts are up. This is where everything turned into a debacle. I was REALLY struggling with the platform they have. It was really bouncy, like crazy bouncy. I am to be resetting after each rep on deadlifts but every time I dropped the weight it would bounce and move way out of position. So I was fighting to reposition all the time. Not so easy to slide 355 lbs left and right on a barbell. I fought through it like that the first set but then I decided to stop that and keep a hold of the weights and not reset. Still tough to control the weights when they hit the platform but better. Then part way through the 2nd set my calves started to cramp up. Probably because Im not only the #teamnocalves president, but Im also a client. So I stopped, rolled some more, stretched some more, got that under control. Then a callus on my right hand rips open. We deal with that and alter the grip slightly. I fought through it all but it wasnt a 5x5 it was more like a 5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3 but good enough I guess the volume is all there. After all that the leg press seemed like a breeze. And after all that I realized I think Im better off sitting in the traffic and using my normal gym too, but I digress. I was tired, I was hurting, I was angry and frustrated and I wont lie I thought about just stopping and going home a couple of times. But you know what? I got it done and at the end of the day thats probably a bigger victory than had I gone in there and smoked it and left. Sometimes you get knocked down. But how do you respond? Do you just roll over or do you fight back? If you want to get to where you want to be, sometimes you have to do things whether you feel like it or not and you have to get around road blocks. #lifelessons
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 03:01:23 +0000

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