Holy shit, this message just hit me right to my core and reminded - TopicsExpress


Holy shit, this message just hit me right to my core and reminded me why I do what I do. Honestly, its been years since Ive actually been moved this much by someones expression of gratitude for my work. Hey Kevin, I followed your advice and videos to the T over the past 2 and a half years. Your advice got me to the point where I actually and completely forgot I was broken. I can now say I am a complete person today and that I have to actually focus to remember even an ounce of the pain that plagued me after my fiance quit on me. My heart is whole and it is filled up with passion for myself. I have become my best friend. I sit sometimes and try to recall the nights I spent contemplating life without my ex, cheeks soaked with tears, listening to your videos trying to believe you and putting faith into your words. You replied to a post of mine once and you told me to just stick with it and believe that it would end. You were a major part of me discovering who I am today.. a strong person with an appreciation for life and an illuminated spirit. I wanted to stop by and tell you that you saved someone, in case you didnt already know your impact on others lives. Thank you, from the depths of my being. Your wisdom transcends. I have to admit: Ive become kind of numb to most peoples expressions of gratitude over the years. Hearing people say omg, I was so down and depressed after my breakup and your videos really helped me just doesnt quite do it anymore. Especially after 5 years of hearing it. (Yes, high quality problem, I know). But a lack of passion for ones work really does weigh down on you. Especially when you sit with the fact that youve helped millions of people and you can give a shit less about it because it just doesnt give you the kind of joy that it used to. I wrestled for months and years with this dilemma. Wondering what the hell Im supposed to do next. And if I even care about doing this anymore. But when I get thoughtful comments like this - that reveal a really deep level of growth and transformation - and that TRULY highlight the journey that the human soul has undertaken to actualize the teaching - THAT is when I remember what a gift it is to actually be able to impact peoples lives in the way that I do. Yes, universe, I want more of this. More depth. More impact. More touch. More community. More feeling in to what is actually being created. And also, more learning these exact things for myself. Everything Ive ever taught has NOT come from a place of knowing just cuz Im all wise and knowing. Its come from a place of HAVING to learn it for myself. And thats why I share it. For those who are in a place of HAVING to learn it for themselves. And whats beautiful is that the journey comes full circle. I am now gifted with the opportunity to live out these teachings in my own life after my break up. And to re-learn these lessons for myself. To truly love myself. And to become my own best friend. Ironically, that was my exact intention for 2015. To love myself like my life depends on it. Because it does. A question that I find myself asking over and over again is what is the most kind and loving thought that I can have about myself right now? This, I feel, is the beginning of a journey that will lead me to being much more kind and patient with myself. And certainly much less harsh and critical. Ive had to work on this for years. Ive invested over 50k+ in coaching and mentorship to learn this exact thing. And yet, Im still learning. Just want to say a big thank you to everyone that Ive learned from. And to everyone that Ive helped. And also to everyone thats just been there to witness the process. There is no distinction between teacher and student. We are all souls on the same journey. Helping each other at different times. Coming full circle over and over again. Learning and Re-Learning. Or better yet, Remembering. May you Remember whatever it is that you need to Remember.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:01:03 +0000

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