Holy shit, what a great Dylan concert. The intimate Constitution - TopicsExpress


Holy shit, what a great Dylan concert. The intimate Constitution Hall venue was one of the best Ive been in -- the sound was perfect, the instruments clear and Bobs voice maybe not so clear but penetrating. The highlights were Stay with Me, a hypnotic Forgetful Heart, and a She Belongs to Me that made time stand still. Blowin in the Wind was particularly meaningful, and there were shouts of approval after many of the lines, with how many deaths will it take til he knows that too many people have died? bringing tears to my eyes. Just about every song underwent lyrical revisions and melody re-arrangements, with Tangled Up in Blue substantially re-written for what has to be the fifth or sixth time. The only song that didnt work for me was a headache inducing Long and Wasted Years, where Bob was barking the lyrics.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:12:14 +0000

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