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Home About NaturalNews Contact Us Write for NaturalNews Media Info Advertise with Natural News Update on 80-year-old Stan Rutners cancer cannabis cure while in hospice Sunday, March 23, 2014 by: Paul Fassa Tags: cannabis, cancer cure, Stan Rutner 8,969 79 (NaturalNews) On November 18, 2013, an article reporting an amazing cannabis cure on a Californian approaching 80 years of age was published. The older gentlemans name is Stan Rutner. It was an amazing story because of Stans condition. The chemo and radiation were killing him and not doing much for his lung and brain cancers. He was wasting away, near death, and had to use bottled oxygen 24/7. Then, his son-in-law and daughter got Stan to try cannabis. The results were amazing. Stans daughter, Corrine, was assigned as Stans hospice caretaker. She had not looked into cannabis until her husband John brought it up as a last effort possibility. They discussed using cannabis oil with Stans oncologist after she had announced that Stan could be gone in as little as two weeks. After all, this was California, and mainstream medicine couldnt keep killing him for profit. So the oncologist then told them that it would be okay to try anything. Stan agreed to go along with what would be easy for him to use, cannabis oil in a coconut-oil-based capsule in the morning and high-THC cannabis oil before going to sleep. The results were amazing. In days, he was able to sleep better, eat more, go without using oxygen and walk without a walker. Within nine months, he was completely cancer free. Heres that story (naturalnews). But have those results held? Hows Stan doing now, three-and-a-half years after his original diagnosis at age 77 now that hes 80? Update on Stans health and what the kidsare up to Corrine and John posted an update on their site, which they had started based on their cannabis discoveries made during Stans intervention and update. Its a site full of factual information and resources for using cannabis. They respond to people who comment with requests for information on getting a medical marijuana card in California and how to get cannabis oil. They intend to become the WebMD of cannabis with their site. Also, their site has information on naturopathic medicine, diet and juicing, all of which are known to help recover from cancer and keep it away (unitedpatientsgroup). Corrine posted that, as of March 20, 2014, Stan was very active again despite his age, as he was before his cancer. Horseback riding, long walks and traveling are once again part of Stans active life. He made it to Montana to walk Corrine down the aisle at her wedding. Hes even been spreading the word on cannabis with interviews and talks. Stan continues ingesting cannabis at a lower maintenance level. And hes doing fine. Remember, his was not an early-stage cancer. They stopped giving him orthodox oncologys standard of care, chemo and radiation, because the chemo had wrecked his immune system and radiation caused severe double pneumonia. They stopped killing him and assumed the lung and brain cancers would within a few short weeks. Corrine didnt even realize that her youthful older dad was having serious health problems until after he had started undergoing orthodox oncology treatments. Then, his condition worsened to having very obvious outward symptoms. Even Stan had mentioned that he thought he had the flu when he went in for a checkup, but he was diagnosed with cancer instead. Heres a perspective on our upside-down world. FDA-approved medical interventions dont cure cancer, but often kill patients. While cannabis, which the DEA stubbornly ranks as an illegal Schedule I drug (dangerous without medical benefits), heals often without side effects. Learn more: naturalnews/044411_cannabis_cancer_cure_Stan_Rutner.html#ixzz2wrlQJQkq
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:17:32 +0000

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