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Home :: Europe :: Ukraine Aumentar tamaño del texto Disminuir tamaño del texto Partir el texto en columnas Ver como pdf 11/19/2014 Chaos in the Donbas and the Nazi plan for the Donbas The Territory Lynx (Blog) When bigger the chaos, the closer the solution, said Mao. At that point you are now in the Donbas. Almost a month ago I had maintained that military strength and political weakness , now I have to say that this political weakness is getting closer to chaos and perhaps why it is on the doorstep of a clear solution of course is going to take fighting in the Donbas and the draft New Russia. 1. I already said that only two matches in Donetsk election occurred November 2 because the rest were rejected by bureaucratic and administrative grounds, bordering the ridiculous as the exclusion of the Communist Party while failing to provide the training and constituent congress. As a result, the Donetsk Republic of Zajarchenko party won 68 seats in the Peoples Council and Free Donbas the 32 remaining. Both formations are considered nationalist left and, at least on paper, are opposed to the oligarchs. Donetsk Republic raises the introduction in the Donbas of a popular economy where each sector (education, health, housing or businesses) have a say in decisions and that equal treatment is given. Free Donbas expressly speaks of a new state based on social justice and respect for all nationalities and cultures that exist in the territory. 2. We have already established a new government and has arrested three former ministers before the election. Like what you read. The reason for these arrests is a mystery to me, but I guess Ill decipher the passage of time even if you are hearing is that has stopped them excess of powers. One of the detainees is the former head Portfolio of Fuel and Energy and a fierce critic of the local oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. This wallet, in an area like the Donbas, whose wealth is mining is a major as to specific gravity. Whoever is an avowed does not mean you have done much to nationalize the assets of the oligarchs, and especially Akhmetov, whose interests are largely intact in Donetsk antioligarca. Unless there is a twist to it since it is becoming increasingly clear now Akhmetov is betting that strengthen their links with neo-Nazi meeting in Kiev: their enterprises in Mariupol has put in the service of Kiev. It has been said that the arrested minister was a former member of the Party of Regions. 3. I was unable to tell if all the ministers of the new government belong to the party of Zajarchenko, although presumably it so since it has an absolute majority in the town council. What I think is most important is that it has created a Ministry of Foreign Affairs, indicating a clear willingness to go all the way to independence and the ministry will be primarily responsible for establishing and deepening ties with Russia. Also has ushered in an old acquaintance, Alexander Jodakovski, as head of the National Security Council, linked to at least one conspiracy to deliver the cities of Donetsk and Kiev Luganks operation that foiled Igor Strelkov to withdraw from Slavianks. Jodakovski is a man of Akhmetov, so at first glance, and considering the arrest of a critic of the oligarch, indicates that the influence of local oligarchs is far from disappearing and criticism of the oligarchy who were both Republic Donetsk as Donbas Free in their manifestos to be seen in practice. 4. In Luganks the situation is similar. We got here the party program Mundo (can also be translated as peace) of Luganks of Plotniski and now Ive got the training the other got through the bar of 5% for representation on the Supreme Council, the Economic Union Luganks (2223%). As everyone in the Donbas, the party is committed to a program of social orientation, but says things like take a balanced approach to the possible nationalization of enterprises. The 50 stations of the National Council were distributed in proportion to the results. The other party, Peoples Union openly advocated the nationalization of large enterprises but, as I said, took the 3.89% and has no representation in the National Council. While there are no significant friction at the political level, yes there are in the military. I told here that it had reached an agreement to unify several battalions of militia. Well, one of them, the most important, the Brigade Prizrak (Ghost) is about to be dismantled since the new authorities want detachments of Prizrak are dispersed throughout different areas of the liberated territories. It is a clear way to diminish the power and influence that is gaining commander Alexei Mozgovoi, become increasingly tangible for the oligarchy, which also exist in Luganks threat. The political decision reached accompanied by a lock to supplies Brigade Prizrak from November 10. Food and winter clothing only go to 30% of the 2,000 members of the Prizrak. It may be only a temporary issue and that this block is not such as I still have not seen any statement about Mozgovoi, a man who is not usually bite the tongue, but this claim has spent several days moving through the Russian pages routinely report the daily happenings in the Donbas, and above all, following the incorporation of the Prizrak Battalion USSR, the first fully integrated communist and is located in the town of Brianka, 58 kilometers from Luganks. 5. All these movements are related to the correlation of forces there today in the Donbas. As I said in my analysis of the outcome of the elections of November 2, there are few hints of socialism in the path being traveled is increasingly clear that the class struggle is very powerful and is not against the neo-Nazi meeting Kiev but against the new, and old, local authorities. They have prioritized military struggle against the policy and will cost up ground. 6. This can be re-frozen by the circumstances of war: the neo-Nazi ring just ordered the blockade to Donbas until the occupied areas (sic) return to control of Ukraine (the bloody measure, and shows that the label of neo-Nazi meeting is successful, is that it will not pay pensions to retirees unless they leave the Donbas and happen to live in areas occupied by the neo-Nazi ring) and will meet with Vice President Joe Biden US with the possible delivery of arms on the table because the US refuses to let the situation remain frozen in the style of what is happening in Transnistria since 2006, when the population overwhelmingly endorsed independence against Moldova Transnistria . 7. Want to see the head of the neo-Nazi ring in all its glory? Here is the flattering Poroshenko US and the European Union. . A great Democratic leader exposing the Nazi plan for the Donbas not wasted video [ https://youtube/watch?v=q7y019rXGms ] says, referring to the Donbas atener say they will work, not will.. have our pensions, they will not, well take care of children and pensioners, they will not do our children go to schools and kindergartens, yours will take refuge in the basement [of our pumps] They will not be able to do anything. This is exactly how were going to win this war. Again war ever is closer, and the neo-Nazi meeting the need to divert attention toward the front of Donbas since throughout Ukraine are beginning to become widespread demonstrations and protests against rising prices, like gas for heating gained between 10% and 20% depending on the area. These still small but increasingly significant demonstrations have taken place in towns of Kiev, Lviv, Dniepopretrovsk, Kharkov and Odessa. The good thing about this is that, while growing increasingly territory where antifascist guerrilla act, not leaving much time for their actions to open a major corridor from Kharkov to the Donbas. So yes you can start talking about New Russia. And if it is triggered again war openly, the only way left to antifascist is total victory over neo-Nazi meeting. Even coming to Kiev if possible. Source: elterritoriodellince.blogspot.es/2014/11/el-caos-en-el-donbas-y-el-plan-nazi.html
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:40:25 +0000

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