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Home / Home Remedies / 14 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Dark Neck 14 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Dark Neck Posted by: Shyam If you are used to see your face in a small hand held mirror, you should now switch to looking yourself in a tall mirror or at least move the small mirror down your face too! You’ll see how dark is your neck when compared to your face. This is because, we give our whole attention to the skin of our face and forget the one just below it and the result- a dark neck. You may not be bothered about it but when people talk to you, they not only look into your eyes or the face alone. Their eyes roam around all over your head region and also towards your neck. A dark neck may really put your personality in a poor light. I am not saying that a dark neck comes in between your success but when you can have a clean neck region matching with your sparkling face, why not! How to Get Rid of Dark Neck 1. Make Daily Care Routine to Get Rid of Dark Neck It is very essential to cleanse and exfoliate neck skin every day just as we do with our faces. When we neglect neck while pampering face, this results in patchy dark skin. So follow this daily care routine for getting rid of dark neck. Take milk and rub your neck with it. Milk is an excellent cleanser and a toner too. After cleansing, use a scrub, preferably natural one, to exfoliate the skin around your neck. You may mix olive oil with sugar and rub gently to scrub your neck. Sometimes use another scrub having bleaching agent such as lemon juice. You will find many scrubs here in this article that you can use for daily exfoliation. After exfoliating, wash off with water and apply some moisturizer. Whenever you go out, apply sunscreen to your neck along with your face. This will avoid pigmentation. Never step out in sun when you apply lemon juice on your skin. This will make your neck darker than before. If you follow the above neck care regime daily, you will begin seeing result in a two week’s time. However, do not stop and continue cleansing, scrubbing and moisturizing your skin. Here are some easy tips and tricks, you can call them home remedies too, for whitening your dark neck. 2. Lemon Bleach for Lightening Dark Neck Skin Lemon, the very common ingredient found in your kitchen, has amazing bleaching properties due to the natural citric acid present in it. You can use lemon to make your skin of dark neck light in two ways. 1st way to use lemon for dark neck You will need: • Lemon juice (squeezed from fresh lemon) -1 teaspoon • Rose water – 1 teaspoon Directions: • Mix lemon juice and rose water. • Apply this mixture gently on your dark neck before going to bed at night. • Leave it overnight. • In the morning, wash your neck with water. You can even store lemon juice- rose water mix in a bottle. Mix both the ingredients in equal amounts and then store. Apply whatever amount is required every night on your dark skin. Do it for at least one month to see your neck get whitened. 2nd way to use lemon for dark neck You will need: • lemon juice from a fresh lemon • Turmeric powder (optional) – a generous pinch • Cotton ball (optional) Directions: • Take the lemon juice and apply it on your neck region with the help of cotton ball or your hand. • Let it sit there for 10-15 minutes. • Wash off with water. • You may even add turmeric powder to lemon juice and then apply it on your dark neck. It gives glow to your skin. • If using turmeric powder, wash off with lukewarm water after 10-15 minutes. Take Precaution Do not step out in sun just after using lemon juice on your skin or when you have it on your skin. 3. Oats – Natural Scrub and Mask for Dark Neck Oats is not only good for your overall health but also for your patchy dark neck. As we do not pay more attention towards cleaning our necks while doing every thing for our face- from cleansing, scrubbing, moisturizing and what not – our neck gets dirty with the oil and fine grit deposits. This makes it look patchy and dark. Oats can be used as a scrub as well as a mask for dark neck when mixed with certain other skin lightening ingredients. Use oats as a scrub for dark neck You will need: • Oats – ground it coarsely, do not make fine powder out of it • Tomato pulp • Water • Moisturizer Directions: • Take the coarsely ground oats powder. • Mix tomato pulp to it to get a paste like consistency. • Apply this mixture to your entire neck region. • Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. • Now wet your fingers a littles and start rubbing your neck gently in circular motions. The coarse oats will have an exfoliating effect to remove dead skin cells from your dark neck. • After scrubbing your neck with this natural oats scrub for about 5-7 minutes, wash off with water. • Apply some moisturizer on neck and massage gently. You may use this scrub twice or even thrice in a week depending upon the intensity of dark patchy skin on your neck. While oats will remove dirt and dead cells, tomato pulp will lighten the skin due to its natural bleaching properties. Use oats to make mask for dark neck When you make a mask, you will need finely powdered oats and not the coarse ones that you use for scrubbing. There is not one but many ingredients that can be mixed with oats and used as a neck mask. You’ll get a list of these below. Whatever ingredient you mix with oats powder, you should apply the mask on the neck and leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with water. Here are some of the combinations you can use for making oats mask for lightening your dark neck skin. • Oatmeal Powder mixed with milk • Oats powder mixed with honey • Oats powder mixed with yogurt 4. Baking Soda for Exfoliating Neck with Hyper-pigmentation Just as oats, baking soda too is a good natural exfoliant for removing patchy skin due to hyper-pigmentation. You will need: • Baking soda • Water Directions: • Mix baking soda with water • Apply the paste on your neck • Leave for about 15 minutes • Wash off with water 5. Soothe Your Neck with Cucumber This is a cool way to brighten your dark neck. Th all soothing cucumber when applied on your neck, not only exfoliates the skin but also grant it a natural glow to match your facial spark. You will need: • Grated cucumber (its preferred but you can also use cucumber juice) • Rose water Directions: • Take the grated cucumber and apply it on your neck. • Leave for about 10 minutes. • Gently rub the neck with cucumber on it as if you are scrubbing. • Wash off and apply some rose water. • If using cucumber juice, just apply on neck with a cotton ball and leave for 15-20 minutes. • Wash off and apply some rose water. 6. Yogurt for Age Spots on Dark Neck If your neck looks dark due to age spots, you may like to take help of yogurt. Yogurt is a good cleanser for skin. Also the acid present in it helps in lightening dark skin. When mixed with lime juice, the bleaching effect increases and your dark neck whitens fast. However, you can always omit adding lemon and apply plain yogurt to your neck and leave it for about 15 minutes before washing off with water. Here are some of the combinations that you can use with yogurt to brighten your dark neck. Make a pack with yogurt and turmeric, apply and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Mix yogurt with lemon juice, apply and wash after 15 minutes. Add fresh milk cream with yogurt. Apply it on your neck and massage gently for 5 minutes. Then wash of with a milk soap. It’s better if you use lukewarm water with lime juice in it to wash the yogurt-cream mix instead of soap. All or any of these packs can be used twice or even thrice a week. Yogurt tightens your skin along with diminishing the fine lines there. The bright younger looking neck gives you greater confidence in turn! 7. Powerful Bleaching with Potato Juice The bleaching agents in potato is a good home treatment for dark neck skin. There is an enzyme called catecholase in potato which helps in lightening the skin color of your neck. It also cures your blemishes if any. Here are some ways in which to use potato remedy for dark neck. Cut round slices of a cold potato and rub them on your neck daily for 5-10 minutes. Do this for at least 2-3 months. For faster results, add lemon juice to potato juice and apply this mixture on your neck. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with water. You can even apply grated potato or potato juice without adding anything. Leave this on your neck for sometime before washing off. 8. Fruit Masks for Dark Neck Whitening Fruit masks made with such ingredients as banana, apple, orange, papaya, avocado etc. work well when it comes to dark neck home cure. They are rich with natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes that can make your neck look whiter than ever. Here are some such wonderful fruit masks for you. Banana Mask You will need: • Ripe banana • Olive oil Directions: • Mash the banana with hands to get pulp like consistency. • Add olive oil to it and mix well. • Apply this mask on your neck and leave for 15 minutes. • Wash off with water. This banana and olive oil mask packed with goodness of fine anti oxidants will make your fine lines vanish from the neck and will give you a healthy glowing skin. Strawberry Papaya Mask You will need: • Mashed Papaya pulp – 1-2 tablespoons • Strawberries- 2 Directions: • Crush the strawberries • Add the crushed strawberries to papaya pulp. • Apply the mix onto your neck. • Leave it for about 10 minutes. • Wash off with water. The vitamins and minerals of these fruits are great for nourishing your skin cells. While the enzyme called papain present in papaya removes the dead skin cells, the antioxidants of strawberries repair the damaged skin faster. Raw Papaya Mask You will need: • Raw papaya • Water Directions: • Grate the raw papaya. • Using a fine cloth or sieve, squeeze out the juice from the grated papaya. If needed, you can add a little water to facilitate squeezing out the juice. • Apply t
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:01:31 +0000

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