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Home News Showbiz Sports Special Voting: Day 2 Live Updates A second day of chaos marked what was supposed to be ‘special voting’ for members of the security forces in Zimbabwe. The exercise is meant to allow the chance to vote ahead of their being deployed to provide security for the elections on July 31. police-special-voting-mabvuku-hall OUKWD-UK-ZIMBABWE-ELECTION mabvuku-police-special-voting-2 mabvuku-police-special-voting-3 mabvuku-police-special-voting police-about-to-vote-at-townhouse police-wait-to-vote police-vote-in-mbare sadc-election-observer-looking-at-police-voting special-vote police-bulawayo-city-hall special voting in Zimbabwe police-officers-queue-outside-a-polling-station-to-vote-in-harare-on-july-14-2013 Scores of uniformed police officers waited outside polling stations after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) again failed to deliver voting material on time. “This is the clearest manifestation of lack of readiness on the part of ZEC to conduct a credible poll,” the MDC-T said. Below are updates and comments from across Zimbabwe 01:20 “Still at the polling station at Gweru D.A. only 333 ballots came to add to yesterday’s 107 out of 1700, now cops were threatening to lock in polling officers and were turning rowdy and the district commanding officer had to be called. Polling agents and election officers are just sitting inside awaiting further instructions from ZEC. I think today its Pungwe.” #NehandaCitizenReports 01:07 “At Rusununguko Polling station, only 13 were able to cast their votes. 2 regular police details and 2 constabulary members. As I am talking now we are in the ZUPCO bus no ballot papers until now. Female police members crying foul and promised not 2 return 2morrow. A ZANU-PF MP Mr Matangaidze for Shurugwi south intended to give food to the police officers @ around 0100hours but they refused. Ndizvowo here izvi!” #NehandaCitizenReports “How secret is the voting when member’s ballot papers come enclosed in an envelop which has name of voter. Who packed the papers in the envelop and wrote the name? Didn’t the same copy the serial number of the papers.” #NehandaCitizenReports 23:29: “My friend a police officer in Plumtree just told me now he has just been woken up to go vote.” #NehandaCitizenReports 23:26 “Up to this hour 23:26 there are about 198 officers who have not yet cast their vote at JMPoly old site Gwanda….the propol of police Mat South said ballot envelopes departed Harare at 2300hrs in a police BMW on their way to Bulawayo then they will proceed to Gwanda. Everyone to remain at the poling station. Ndaanenzara amana.” #NehandaCitizenReports 23:21 “I give up ! It is now clear ZEC is not prepared and thousands of police and prison officers have been denied the chance to vote here in Ntabazinduna as of now the officers are still waiting but nothing is happening at the polling station. They are saying they have run out of ballot papers.” #NehandaCitizenReports 22:00 “There’s chaos at the Harare Town House where members of the police force and civil servants are casting their special vote, couldn’t help myself watch and laugh as police officers are threatening their fellow workmates with police dogs to be patient and be organised, what an unusual scene.” #NehandaCitizenReports “At 21:22 police at Ntabazinduna still waiting for ballot papers.” #NehandaCitizenReports 21:12 “The delays in voting by uniformed forces is working against Zanu PF. Most of my officer contacts and their colleagues perceive it as a ploy to frustrate them. In Glendale, Mazowe they are willing and vowing to go into midnight or wee hours of the morning. I quote “People are angry and want to show the chefs that they went to school.” #NehandaCitizenReports 21:09 “Zimbabwe has gone to the dogs for real. Can you imagine that up to this time police officers are still gathering at Mai Musodzi hall waiting for the arrival of the ballot papers what a shame on you ZEC.” #NehandaCitizenReports 20:40 “Special vote; hundreds of police officers still waiting to cast their votes at Miekles Park in Mutare. Zvirikunzi u wont go till u cast yo vote. The Polling Station to be open till 6am. Same same neku Tanganda kuChipinge.” #NehandaCitizenReports 20:29 “Right now @ seke teachers college some people are voting but they aint police officers vangotorwa pamakoni kwakupihwa mauniforms. Investigations must be done seriously and urgently. And bro those bogus cops have been drinkin @ the colleges’ tuck shop right now they are very drunk like hell.” #NehandaCitizenReports “My sister in the police is so frustrated. She is still standing in the queue right now waiting to cast her vote. That’s in Harare. I thought special vote is 2 days only.” #NehandaCitizenReports *Zec had failed its job as most police officers were turned away without voting due to unavailabilty of ballot papers. Some of their names did not appear in the voters roll. Here at Munyarari polling station in Mutare South only 9 members had cast their votes as from 14 to 15 July 2013 . The number of police officers expected to vote is about 400. At Meikles Park polling station in Mutare only 8 members voted yesterday. #NehandaCitizenReports *”Polling is still taking place at Chipangayi in Chipinge West 40 minutes after regulation time. Regular police details are not voting in most centres as their envelopes are missing whilst the militia is finding it easy to cast their votes.” #NehandaCitizenReports *The special vote scenario is interesting. Why has it been done over two days for a very small percentage of the electorate when the national vote is only for one day? Nehanda Radio should also try to investigate why some people were secretly bused in to some centres a day before the actual vote on 13 July. There is evidence, this was witnessed in Bulawayo, there could be other centres. (Nehanda Radio listener) 19:28 - ”Police officers still waiting for their turn to vote in Mazowe Central in Nzvimbo. Ballot papers are coming slowly in batches of about 12 or so.” #NehandaCitizenReports via Whatsapp +447778557615 *In terms of Sec 81A(1)(a) of Zimbabwe electoral law ZEC must set two days only for special vote, the last day has to be at least 16 days from July 31. (Tawanda Zhuwarara) *@ Chinotimba Hall in Hwange by 7 AM only 63 special vote envelopes were available instead of the expected 544 *Urgent need for ZEC to immediately put in place proper logistical provisions that ensure the smooth running of the harmonised elections (Zimbabwe Election Support Network) *Why is there such a huge number of turned away special voters? ZEC gave NGOs grief about voter education…now this? (Bekithemba Mpofu). *In Masvingo voting started today but with several reports of outstanding deliveries of special voting envelopes *”Shortage of ballot papers or strategy? In Masvingo’s D. A ‘s office, police officers in full gear gathered at the entrance, no ballot papers, its really pathetic.” #NehandaCitizenReports *”In Marondera today shops in the CBD were closed and those who work in Flea Markets had registers to be marked at Rudhaka Stadium. Business was affected by ZANU militia. Kombis were forced to put on Mugabe stickers.” #NehandaCitizenReports *”Some police officers will vote for RGM not because they are being forced but just to maintain the status quo. Today at Harare townhouse I saw lots of private cars owned by police officers. Talk of ill-gotten wealth.” #NehandaCitizenReports * 18:15 - Polling supposed to close in 45 minutes but some polling stations in Mat South, Midlands & Mash West yet to receive ballot papers (Zenzele Ndebele, Radio Dialogue). Nehanda Radio
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:13:37 +0000

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