Home Schooled kid scores in TOP 1% of all American students on - TopicsExpress


Home Schooled kid scores in TOP 1% of all American students on SATs... Id like to give a shout out of congratulations to my guitar student of several years, David Carter (not me) and his parents David & Terri Carter. Davids parents brought him to me three years ago to learn how to play guitar. I recognized quickly his comprehension skills, unusually good manners and communication skills and his incredible ability to stay focused and concentrate and further his own personal study of guitar through all resources he could find. His passion and commitment to learning his instrument was obvious and he had a thirst for it that was tough to quench. His mother has home-schooled him throughout his life. Yep, Mom and Dad made the decision that was best for their children. That decision paid off. David just scored in the TOP ONE PERCENT OF ALL AMERICAN STUDENTS ON HIS SATS in Critical Reading and TOP FIVE PERCENT OF ALL AMERICAN STUDENTS in his overall SAT score. Ive been saying for a long time. If you love your children and want the best for them HOME SCHOOL THEM. David is not an exception to the rule, in my experience teaching Home School kids he is the rule. A home schooled kid ranking in the TOP ONE PERCENT OF ALL AMERICAN STUDENTS ON SATs says it all. How many American public education system school educated children do you know achieving THAT level of proven education achieved? If you love your kids do the right thing. Forego the expensive and unnecessary luxuries if necessary and assure your children the best quality education possible in America. The education that comes from their own parents who step up to the plate to do the right thing for their children and their childrens futures. Youll also develop a much deeper relationship of appreciation and respect with your children. Through the incredible amount of quality time and experiences you will share with them in the process of educating them. I was talking to Terri tonight about it all. She said she went to a state wide home school convention and she didnt see any of the home school kids standing around staring at cell phones. She said they were all actually conversing with each other, having human interaction with each other in person. Then she brought up the Teachers Union bogus argument against home schooling, to try and protect their own jobs, a lack of socialization. She said thats funny because it seems the home school kids are the only kids she ever sees actually socializing in person in society today. All of the rest of the kids she sees are walking around in their own little world staring at a cell phone. Who can disagree with that one? Raise your own kids, educate your own kids... if I could do it again, I would home school my kids. My children did have some really wonderful teachers, but the quality of one-on-one, parent/child, education is something the public education system simply cannot compete with. With public school teachers trying to manage classes of 30, 40 students and a political public education system that ties their hands in what and how they can teach students. Which robs individual teachers of their own unique individual talents as good teachers.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 01:28:12 +0000

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