Home The word homeland is a small word, consists of three - TopicsExpress


Home The word homeland is a small word, consists of three characters, but in a large sense, is like a mothers homeland and family, is a warm hug every citizen at home. Home is that Nrbu at home, and live and bury under the soil, which is home Ntrara at home, and eat off of, no matter how far we can not parting with him, and keeps him nostalgic. The love of country is born in the citizen with his birth, so it is a love of the homeland is an instinctive arises upon the individual, the individual feels that there is a relationship between him and the ground, which grows and thrives on it. The love of country is not restricted to one, Everyone adores and loves his homeland, although our Islamic religion urges us to love the country and fulfill his, and perhaps the greatest example of when forced Prophet beloved peace be upon him on parting homeland dear Mecca, when he went out Majabura said: What Otaibk of the country, and to love you, but not your people that you pulled me what else lived, Here we see the extent of love for the Holy Prophet territory and homeland. Vhab home is a symbol of pride, so we must defend and protect it with all our strength, and that we maintain also protect us, and provide us with security and safety. If an individual of us gets everything provided homeland him a decent living, and tranquility at home, the to this country we have rights, it is the rights of the nation we have to preserve it, and keep it from all evil, and to keep his possessions general, we keep it clean, and offer him all the Ghali and cheap. We must cultivate our home, and live by, And care in all areas has been the poet said: Blood .... I will narrate the Liberals past and determined Sabnyh and Ohidh and tons Ndhara .... and I offer to build a free Faison Hama and Fitah .... determination Laith Hjam And also to the nation on the rights of the state, it is the duty of the state to take care of the homeland, and his generation is strong durable, and through the development of young people and train them and teach them, the young people are able to safeguard the homeland and preserve it. And also to the nation on the rights of every father and mother, they should inculcate the values of patriotism in their children, and teach them patriotism from a young age, being careful to build strong, healthy children, they are at full readiness while call them home. Throughout history we have seen a lot of irrigated land with their blood; her defense and liberation from colonialism, all of this stems from the patriotism and sacrifice for it with blood and lives, it can not be tolerated from stealing homelands and Istamrha, there is no fear on the homeland has a young protectors, and are willing to sacrifice for it . There is no greater love than the love of the land and home, which we have lived it, and it Strna Join our laurels and achievements.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:05:13 +0000

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