Home again!! Went to the hospital because my arm was heavy and - TopicsExpress


Home again!! Went to the hospital because my arm was heavy and tight feeling the past few days.. i thought i slept on it wrong.. then later in the day i thought maybe a bruise though there seems to be none.. but its a on and off.. theres no pain, swelling of fever.. aside from the sensation there appears to be nothing wrong with my arm.. last night it was really bad so i did the tenting of my skin.. i looked int he mirror and made sure i can smile and i can raise both arms above my head.. no stroke.. i pressed my skin. colour came back right away.. no weakness.. so its not circulation.. i took my pulse.. normal.. got to the hospital and told them all this.. they did it ALL again.. but the doctor poked me with a pointy stick to make sure i had nerve feeling in both arms.. and then he did the Does that hurt? part when he presses all over the affected areas to see if he can cause pain.. my mom does that REALLY well.. turns out.. yes my clavicle does hurt under it.. no bruising or anything wrong with my arm.. cept i have tennis elbow.. LOL doctor says he hopes its muscular.. but the fact there is nothing physically wrong with my arm... but the sensation is present and ongoing.. and when i tilt my head a certain way.. theres a shooting pain in the affected area of my arm.. suggests its nerve related.. something is pressing my nerve.. either a inflamed muscle.. which is what he hopes.. but if it gets worse.. i need to go in because it can be spine related.. so thats my health update.. wait and see.. but i feel alright.. nothing is in pain.. arm still works.. its just annoying..
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:51:32 +0000

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