Home demolitions to proceed, Chombo Of evil Chombo and thieving - TopicsExpress


Home demolitions to proceed, Chombo Of evil Chombo and thieving mbocho :A very good example of how evil the black leaders are.Ian Smith of Rhodesia and his government of white people built houses for masses and did not destroy houses .Its unfortunate some people never got to see how good life in Rhodesia was.I was still very young then but I remember how many new houses were built ,how street lights were erected and maintained,how schools were built and maintained,how roads were tarred and maintained,how people would change jobs like socks.It was just near perfect.You could see the country developing for the best .Just a Britain in Zimbabwe , Africa.Actually better than Britain.Proudly Rhodesian. -------------------- The government has said there is no going back on the demolition of houses in Chitungwiza and Manyame as court orders authorising the exercise have been obtained. Local Government Minister, Ignatius Chombo, said the demolitions to be effected by Chitungwiza City Council and Manyame Rural District Council were above board as they are backed by court orders. Giving oral evidence before a Parliamentary committee on local government this week, Chombo said thorough investigations about each and every structure had been carried out while documents on how people obtained land had been analysed. Initially, the demolitions were set to start in January after the audit report was handed over to government but it has been blocked by a court order which ruled the exercise as unconstitutional. Chombo said only those families and individuals who were cheated by council would be compensated. “If you were cheated by the local authority, it ought to give you a piece of land. But if you gave yourself land why should you be compensated?” asked Chombo. According to the constitution of the country, government is not allowed to demolish anyone’s residential property without offering an alternative. Government’s investigative report on the allocation of stands in Chitungwiza and Manyame showed that some residents inappropriately built on wetlands, municipal service lines and areas designated for other purposes.Massive corruption was also unearthed and the taskforce recommended the demolition of houses built on undesignated places. The report stated that unsuspecting home seekers paid nearly $30 million to the land barons with some of them, a Zanu PF councillor, Fredrick Mabamba, having been expelled from council by Chombo after he was implicated in the land deals. The report recommended the immediate prosecution of all perpetrators of illegal land invasions, subdivisions allocation and sale, without the authority from council, but until today, no one has been arrested or questioned by police. New Zimbabwe.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:12:59 +0000

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