Home from the hospital. Day 25 and Ive got a feeling everythings - TopicsExpress


Home from the hospital. Day 25 and Ive got a feeling everythings gonna be all right. Honey is still sitting up, still talking and communicating well, and the nurse came in with some more good news. His daily lab came back and his hemoglobin was stable and had actually gone up a little. She shouted out at the nurses desk when she reviewed the report and came into the room to tell Honey and me right away. Yesterday the surgeon said that they would try to stop the oozing bleed with medication, but was shaking his head when he spoke and made it clear that with the condition Honeys body is in right now...he expected to be sending him back to surgery. But GOD!!!! The ulcerated intestine still has to seal, the kidney is still in shock, Honey is still having dialysis, and his heart rate is still irregular..all that on top of not starting rehabilitation therapy yet. Restoration will be a long time coming, but hope is like the air after a cleansing rain. So..I go in and see about 8 bags of all sorts of goodies hanging on a triple machine setup and took a breath. He asked for his glasses and we sat down for our first card party. After about 10, he was too weak to read anymore and said hed like to wait until he could re-read each one and meditate on the card and pray for the sender. We talked about the last 3+weeks and about the plans God might have for him. When the nurse left after delivering the good news, Honey immediately closed his eyes and began to praise the Lord for what he was going through, and then for all the blessings that had been opened by his experience. A family member commented to him that he could not imagine how they felt when they werent able to talk with him and get information. Honey listened and responded that yes, he did know how it felt. Hed gone through the exact situation with his beloved first wife. He went daily to sit with her, continued to talk to her and was loyal until she left to be with the Lord. The Levine is still not right and he is so hungry. Hes planning his rounds and what he will enjoy and when. Two days ago, well....that was two days ago and Sunday is here. I dont know what tomorrow holds but its okay. Today has been good. Its gonna be okay.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:46:13 +0000

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