Home from the journey and what a story to tell...better get a - TopicsExpress


Home from the journey and what a story to tell...better get a cuppa cause it might be a long one.... I arrived in New Mexico on Monday...went into the hospital on Tuesday with long onset sudden appearance diabetes...when they checked me in my blood sugar was over 800...it was a wonder I was even functioning (Well, actually, I wasnt which is why I ended up in the hospital ) after getting me back into a reasonable balance I was released just in time to catch my train ride home...In hindsight I can see where the indicators of the diabetes were presenting themselves but I was laying them off to the stress that Ive been under in this last year...Among other things I was given 5 units of blood cause I was a tad bit low...THAT was a surprise...the doctor told me that I had a small lesion that had drained it off over time...I will be looking into that when I get the diabetes under control... As a result of this unintended detour I was unable to attend my moms service but sick as I was I needed to be where I was...Im sure mom understood...It is really strange to be that sick and in a hospital so far from home and I can only say that the folks there showed me so much compassion that it was truly humbling to know so many good strangers are out there..truly Gods angels are everywhere... As I recovered I was transferred to a different room and the custodian came in and in conversation revealed he had come out of LAs drug culture and found his faith and he moved to Silver City where as he worked he put his faith to work in whatever way he could. As we talked a volunteer came in to ask if I needed anything and I asked for a cup of coffee and asked if they had french vanilla...she said no...by the time she got back with the coffee, the custodian had gone down to the cafeteria and fetched me some from the dispenser there...a small thing but a very large thing in my mind...I will not forget him anytime soon... After a crash course in diet and a game plan for keeping me going until I got home to see my doctor was hatched, I was released...they really wanted to keep me but my train ticket was non-refundable and so they honored my wishes...I checked out with just enough time for my sister Lynne and her husband Steve to get me to Albuquerque for the train...We arrived at the station and ten minutes later the train arrived...On my way at last...NOT... I walked up to the car attendant and presented my boarding pass and was told the room was already occupied...I coulda just crapped right there...! Bottom line...somehow my reservation had been changed to a different room which was already occupied also...the person in my sleeperette had paid three times the going rate (Indicates some inside help) and had a suitcase in the room (They are supposed to be placed in a rack inside the door of the car) when asked about the suitcase he denied knowing anything about it...drug dogs were brought on board and end result was the guy was led off in handcuffs...SHEESE!!! While all this is going on there is a guy standing there taking it all in...Turns out he had the room across the aisle from me and when we were finally moving we exchanged some conversation and he shared he was a brother in one of the catholic orders and I shared my tale of the whole trip with him and he tucked me under his wing for the rest of the trip...another angel placed by God... But the most important angel in all of this was my sister...first of all if I had done the usual routine I would have gotten off the train in Santa Fe and drove to moms house...but I had arranged for Lynne to pick me up in Albuquerque instead...good thing because she picked right up on the fact that something was wrong...and then she did all the running around for meds and sharing of info with the hospital and keeping things running for moms service..and of course Steve doing all the driving including the trips to Albuquerque and back...I honestly dont know what I would have done without them... So...I made it home...Monday I contact my doctor (who incidentally interned with the Silver City doctor at Univ of IA and they have been in contact about me) and then the next newest phase of my life begins...I am so glad that God had my back through all of this and put the angels in place as I needed them... I NEVER...NEVER...EVER...EVER... want to take a trip like this again...but I do indeed give thanks to God for all that was done on my behalf...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:53:57 +0000

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