Home grown terrorists are using terroristic tactics, and threats - TopicsExpress


Home grown terrorists are using terroristic tactics, and threats of violence to scare Moms fighting for the safety of all our children. These are the angry, for no good reason, hate-filled spawn, grown from the seeds of bigoted hatred preached by Tea Party hypocrites. They want their rights. But they are doing their evil-hearted best, to scare and deprive others of rights they are in opposition to. These mothers need to hear from other mothers who have lost their children to gun violence. There are links to sites where you can add your name. Fear can be faced down with love. There is nothing like a she-bear protecting her cubs. Add your voice. Sooner or later Congress will have to hear the voice of many mothers united as one voice. The 2nd Amendment needs to be amended. There is no clause in the Constitution that says it cant be. It has been distorted for evil. It can be restored for the good cause it for which it was intended. When it was written it was to ensure that Americans could bear arms to have an armed militia against enemy invaders, namely the British, who America was ending a War with over two hundred years ago. Modern Americans have misused its original intent.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:03:23 +0000

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