Homegrown Emotions and Fragments The whispery suppuration of - TopicsExpress


Homegrown Emotions and Fragments The whispery suppuration of the aquamarine stealthy Caribbean sea Churns through my existence a heartfelt undeniable yearning and inconsolable need A nostalgic, tumultuous memory and yearning that renders me bereft that I cannot ever overcome, A call to be homing, of returning, a homily, A detritus of patriotic longing and unsurpassed feeling, Of home and familiar innocuous used to hearth, Of prosaic surroundings so intimately so beloved so intrinsically and unforgettably known. The unsolvable mystery is how it was lost, how did it escape my loving grasp So inevitably completely irreversibly foregone. A Bracelet of Platonic Love This poem is dedicated to my electronic sister, My Blessing of Virtue, to celebrate Raksha Bandhan A bracelet of chaste platonic love, Plaited and fashioned out of outpourings of my tender immutable heart, Decorated, coalesced and faceted with the sapphires and rubies of pure joy That our dialogue of harmony, trust and friendship precipitated and created. As we exchange simple innocuous experiences validated By our separate so distant so in every detail different existences, From which I learn the mysteries and esoteric of exotic India About the festivals that celebrate and venerate the ancient revered deities, But most of all I share the honest sincere warmth and deep affection Generated by your close knit and well adjusted traditional family, An undiluted, untainted by hypocrisy or sophistication balm and empowering consolation, For a lonely totally alienated quixotic agent of fundamental social change. My Ethereal, Emancipating Journey of Discovery An accidental, incidental cosmic gambler dicing with a fickle, wholly insensate, indubitably mindless Fate, For the highest, most monumental and meaningful stakes imaginable, The very existence and continued survival of a sentient species, his own. A transcendent enterprise that laterally was transformed into his magnificent obsession, The ultimate social, political, ideological and philosophical roller coaster ride, Plumbing the extreme depths of unendurable, sanity threatening despair, At times ascending to the pinnacles and rarified peaks and pinnacles of ecstasy. As he at first tentatively, clumsily, and, most of all, with ever increasing humility Began to part veil after concealing, obscuring veil of knowledge to eventually expose The elusive, esoteric mysteries of the genesis and development of human culture, And so began to experience unbelievable, epiphany accelerating paroxysms of indescribable joy. A journey of ethereal, liberating discovery precipitated by the accidental wholly unpremeditated decision To simply tell the truth as much as was humanly possible. That within a short space of time opened a window through which he could perceive, The interior, innermost workings, operations, and dynamics of the human social organization in which he existed, And discern, detail and specify the awesome forces that smelted and thus far irrevocably shaped The shackles of determinism monolithic, impermeable and immutable. That launched an arena embodying pure malice and utter, unrelenting and unedifying violence Painting, rusting and coruscating with the crimson decoration and camouflage Of life supporting blood and Absolutist artistic antediluvian gore the long corridors of human history As the involuntary and unconscious puppets dangling from the strings of coercion determined civilization Completely oblivious, mindless and blissfully unaware and never knowing what they are doing Inventing and reinventing ancient habits of savagery, mayhem and utter malefic destruction Learned and immutably habituated to while languished in the ‘state of nature.’ A crucible of atavism they are doomed and foredoomed to create and recreate Wherever they are blown by the hurricane winds of curiosity, migration and discovery, Around a globe ever diminishing in size and scope marginalized and minimized by the burgeoning technology Created by an ever more sophisticated and discrete Scientific Establishment, Consigned to blissful oblivion by the accommodation of the mechanisms of suppression and repression That facilitated continued function after the momentous, potentially earth shaking revelation Of the exceedingly belated and morally meaningless awakening to the civilizing balm of moral values, Which tragically they embraced in concept while in precept they continued to be Agents of the determined, immutably, inexorably malignant, inordinately vile, oppressively depraved Design for sentient existence that was coercion determined mores. Which was never chosen but dictated by the extreme and sere conditions and circumstances that obtained And caused becoming adept at utilizing force to be an absolute requirement for survival, Which in turn determined thus far unchangeably their attitude and world view towards others With whom they interacted and precipitated the horrific ideology that ‘might is right’ The harbinger and initiator of unrelenting, doleful, and unceasing tragedy, Negating and making impossible the slightest hope of a peaceful future Relegating the majority to a treadmill of interminable and hopeless despair. As they replicated and repeated again and again the sanguine tortured tortuous conflicted past, Over, and over, and over, again. Until the ethos of competition unleashed the awesome energies and ultimate destructive power That galvanized and was at once the genesis and building block of reality That made plants flower, that pollinated and drove organisms to procreate, That precipitated the Big Bang and opened the vacuum less space of Black holes, The fissionable material that it is speculated was the basis for all matter. Thus his sentient species at last immaturely blindly confronted the stuff of their Manifest Destiny, The ultimate choice between past and future, between nuclear holocaust or verdant everlasting life, Between extinction and continued existence, between war and peace. With him with his immaculate already concretized habit of truth the final, dutiful arbiter of these alternatives Risking his sanity in the judgment of his and his species existence Dependent on his capacity and ability to communicate and promote the inestimable value Of simply practicing and becoming powerfully habituated to the discipline of truth. WILLIAM EDWIN VIRTUE
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:05:59 +0000

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