Homemade Pack for Pore Reduction Pores--microscopic openings in - TopicsExpress


Homemade Pack for Pore Reduction Pores--microscopic openings in the skin--serve an important function, allowing perspiration and protective oils to reach the surface of your skin. When they become enlarged, they can damage your appearance and your confidence. Not only do enlarged pores make your face look bumpy and rough, but they can cause makeup to lie imperfectly on the skin, detracting from the smooth, flawless effect you are trying to create. Although the size of your pores is usually inherited, other factors do play a role. Excess oil--or sebum--can cause blackheads and whiteheads to sprout, clogging pores and making them appear larger than they are; improper skin care, such as leaving heavy cosmetics on your skin overnight, also contributes to the problem. Fortunately, homemade skin packs can tone and tighten enlarged pores, improving their appearance and temporarily reducing their size. Honey Treatment Step 1: Make a therapeutic facial pack by mixing 1 tbsp of honey with 1/2 tsp of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of sugar. According to the National Honey Board website, honey is a natural humectant--serving to attract and retain moisture--as well as an anti-irritant and an antimicrobial. Lemon juice is an astringent that may temporarily shrink pores. Step 2 Massage the mixture onto your face using a circular motion with the tips of your fingers. Pay special attention to the skin around your nose and on your chin--two common locations for enlarged pores. Avoiding getting the mixture in your eyes. Step 3 Leave it on for five minutes, then rinse very thoroughly with lukewarm--not hot--water. Do not rub the mixture off with a towel. Tomato Juice Treatment Step 1 Utilize tomato juice to reduce the pore size of acne-prone, oily skin by mixing 1 and 1/2 tbsp of juice together with 1/2 tsp of seaweed powder. Tomato juice, packed with organic acid and vitamins A and C, has natural antioxidant and astringent properties. Step 2 Blend the solution well, and dab it on your face with a cotton ball. Step 3 Leave on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse off. Green Tea Treatment Step 1 Create a luxuriant organic facial pack by mixing 1 tbsp of green tea powder with 3 tbsp of water, and letting the solution sit for five minutes. According to the Herbs 2000 website, the tannin in green tea benefits your skin in two ways, not only tightening pores but drawing irritants from the skin. Step 2 Blend the white of one egg with 2 tsp of flour, then combine the egg mixture with the green tea. Step 3: Apply to clean skin, and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 13:12:02 +0000

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