Homeopathy for Insect Bites and Stings An insect bite or sting - TopicsExpress


Homeopathy for Insect Bites and Stings An insect bite or sting usually causes mild painful swelling with redness and itching at the site of the sting. However, some people may be allergic to these stings or there is also the risk of infection by certain insects. If in doubt, medical assessment should be sought immediately. Animal, snake and human bites are dangerous because of the risk of infection, poison, and bleeding and require immediate medical attention. Homeopathic remedies should not replace conventional care. LEDUM This is the most popular remedy for poison oak and for bites and stings of any kind. The sting or bite may be accompanied by swelling around the area, a bluish tinge to the skin, a cold, numb feeling, and an ache. The affected part feels cold but the person doesnt want to cover the part or apply warmth but rather feels better when applying cold. As a preventative measure, ledum can be taken for the three days prior to departure and for the duration of the trip. ACONITUM NAPELLUS A good initial remedy if the person is extremely fearful and panicky after being bitten or stung. This remedy should be used immediately, and can be followed by another bite or sting remedy such as ledum. APIS Burning and stinging pain with rapid, pink or red, puffy swelling of the affected part. The affected skin may feel hot, sensitive, tender, and sore. The person feels better when applying cold to the area and feels worse with heat. There may also be itching, especially at night. This remedy is especially useful for bee and jellyfish stings. BELLADONNA After a bite or sting, if the affected area is scarlet red, swelling rapidly, and feels intensely hot, belladonna may be indicated. The color of the skin may alternate between red and pale. The person may have headache and dizziness. CANTHARIS The affected part is very red, intensely burning, and painful after a bite. Watery blisters may develop on the affected part. URTICA URENS When red, itchy blotches appear on the skin, this remedy is often used. The blotches look like hives and may sting.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:03:51 +0000

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