Hon. President / PM / HM / Law Minister / Women’s Minister Hon. - TopicsExpress


Hon. President / PM / HM / Law Minister / Women’s Minister Hon. CJI SC / Hon. CJ Bom. HC TOI – SC CJ Markandey Katju’s ‘Corrupt’ HC Judge Expose As per the Law The ‘Corrupt’ Judge & CJs, CJIs, ex-PM MMS, CONg Minister & TN Ally… All SHOULD be Behind Bars for Keeping d ‘Corrupt’ Judge… Because Corrupt Judges KILL Millions of Poor Victims with Corrupt Judgments & All of THEM Above are Responsible for it !!! • Please take Suo Moto Action on THEM All • Please also take Suo Moto Action on 2 Bom. HC Judges on my Complaint dt. 19-3-2014 Because Bom. HC CJ has Taken No Action ?! 79 year…Mohini Kamwani on Facebook …Who was Jailed ILLEGALLY in a False Case by Police https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=667638336648951&set=a.107002192712571.15407.100002083720059&type=1&theater Hon. PM / CJI / HM / Law Minister / Women’s Minister JUDICIAL + POLICE TERRORISM Courts & Police Stations are for ”WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA” Not for THEM to take BRIBES & do INJUSTICE to Us Police / Judicial Corruption is Multi Billion US$ BIG Biz Total Police Stations in India + Total Courts in India X Total BRIBES Paid to Cops / Magistrates / Judges ALL OVER INDIA = Multi Billion US$ BIG Biz Every Day…Every Month...Round d Year !!! Please Don’t tell me You are Not Aware of it !! No Wonder…There are…35,000,000 Cases PENDING in Indian Courts + Millions of Poor Victims…Rotting in Jails !!! This is…Not…”JUDICIAL TERRORISM / INJUSTICE” ???!!! We The People of India…are Jailed Illegally…in False Cases !!! – (I was Jailed in a False Case that “I was going to Commit Suicide” Because I Complained against Rich & Powerful Accused & they BRIBED d Dirty Cops) But…Even after…Prima Facie Documentary Evidence… WHY…Judges Don’t…PROSECUTE…Dirty Cops ???!!! (as in my Case – Honest Bombay HC Judge Mr. Abhay S Oka & S S Shinde CAUGHT the Police Forgery & Purjury…But Hon. Judges P V Hardas & Ms. Mridula Bhatkar did NOT Prosecute the Dirty Cops-Despite my CLEAR REPEAT Prayers in 3 Amendments ???!!!) &…Courts Don’t Take Action…against Dirty Judges ???!!! (1 - I Complained against JMFC Vashi Court Magistrate who sent me to Jail-without Allowing me to call my Lawyer – But he has ONLY been Suspended – Why NOT Dismissed / PROSECUTED ???!!! 2 - Refusing to see the Evidence that I was NOT going to Commit Suicide 3 – HC Registrar-Inspection Mr. Ladha & Thane PDJ Mr. K K Sonavane have CONFIRMED they have received Complaints from others also that the said Magistrate used to sit DRUNK in the Court & issue BIASED Orders & say “I am the KING of this Court…I can send anyone to Jail..No One can Touch me !!! 4 – APMC Vashi Merchants have told me that This Magistrate used to take Rs. 50 Lacs BRIBES from them Otherwise he would THREATEN to Jail them !!! + 5 - I have Complained against Hon. Judges P V Hardas & Ms. Mridula Bhatkar (They PROTECTED d DIRTY Cops & did Not Prosecute them) to CJ HC, CJI SC, Prez, CBI…But No Action has been taken against them Yet ???!!! 6 – Dirty Cops Filed False Cases/Affidavits in BHC, Vashi Court, did Contempt of SC D K Basu 1997 Arrest Law & Hon. Justice Abhay S Oka CAUGHT them…But Still Hon. Judges P V Hardas & Ms. Mridula BHatkar PROTECTED the Dirty Cops !!! 7 – I Reported to HC Judges that the Dirty Cops were on the CONTRARY PROMOTED – But STILL Hon. Judges P V Hardas & Ms. Mridula BHatkar did NOTHING !!! 8 - I informed HC Judges that the Nerul Police Dirty Cop Laxman Kale was ALSO the IO in Builder Mr. Lahoria’s Case & Mr. Lahoria was MURDERED by Contract Killing through ex-Nerul Cop– so I have Threat to my Life – But The HC Judges did NOTHING - & my Son was Beaten Up by Vashi Police – while my case was in HC – I Reported my Son’s Beating also to Justice P V Hardas & Ms. Mridula Bhatkar – But AGAIN they PROTECTED Vashi Dirty Cops !!!) On the Contrary…We / our Advocates are…Threatened / Harassed ???!!! Who will Judge d Dirty Judges ? Who will Police d Dirty Cops ? Judges PROTECTING…Dirty Cops …& …Courts PROTECTING…Dirty Judges !!! Judicial Terrorism / Injustice ???!!! How many Complaints are filed against BHC Judges / All Indian Court Judges / Magistrates…with SC / BHC / Other Courts…Every Month / Year ???!!! What Action is Taken against JUDGES ???!!! ...Please Put this in Public Domain…or…Please give us this Info under RTI… How many Cases are filed by Victims against Police in…BHC / other Courts…Every Month / Year ???!!! In How many Cases…have BHC / other Court Judges / Magistrates …PROSECUTED Police ???!!! Why No Action is Taken against…Court Staff…”Fixing”…Case Listing / Dates ???!!! 1 – My Case Papers went Missing from Judge P V Hardas Court for 1 Month & I could Not file my Submission – What Action did he take against the Court Staff ???!!! 2 – I got FIR Order against 4 Dirty Cops…But HC has given them a Stay Order …on a False Affidavit ???!!! 3 – I filed a 400 Page Reply Affidavit in the Stay Order Case + a 400 Page Criminal Application u/s 340 CrPC…&…these 800 Pages were MISSING on my Hearing Date 10 March 2014 in the Court of Hon. Judge Mr. Naresh Patil – WHY???!!! 4 – TILL TODAY HC IS NOT HEARING THAT CASE – PROTECTING DIRTY COPS ??? 5 – IN MY ILLEGAL ARREST CASE, HC HAS AWARDED ME 6 LACS COMPENSATION IN JUNE 2013 – BUT EVEN AFTER 1 YEAR – GOVT. OF MAHARASHTRA/POLICE ARE NOT PAYING !!! – I HAVE FILED AN APPLICATION IN MARCH 2014 – BUT HC IS NOT HEARING MY THAT SIMPLE APPLICATION ALSO – TILL TODAY ??? PROTECTING DIRTY COPS ? 6 – I GOT FIR ORDER AGAINST MY 7 ACCUSED – BUT NEW VASHI COPS PROTECTED THEM & GAVE THEM 6 DAYS TO GET BAIL & THANE COURT HAS GIVEN TRHEM BAIL – ON A FALSE AFFIDAVIT IN FEB 2014 – I HAVE BECOME INTERVENOR IN THAT MATTER – BUT THAT CASE IS NOT BEING HEARD TILL TODAY - & NOW VASHI POLICE HAS SUBMITTED TO THANE COURT THAT THEY WANT POLICE CUSTODY OF 3 ACCUSED – SO WHY POLICE ALLOWED THEM 6 DAYS TO GET BAILS ??? 7 – NEW VASHI COPS ARE ALSO PROTECTING MY 4 ACCUSED WHO ARE ABROAD – BY NOT CALLING THEM TO INDIA !!! ►►► Maharashtra CM Prithviraj Chavan’s Secretary & RTI Officer told me in 2012 “Your Accused have BRIBED Rs. 5 Crore to Cops & Ministers so that FIR is NOT Registered against them…So they are MILKING the COW…No Action will be taken against them till the MILK is there” I AM 79 – I HAVE SUFFERED A LOT – BECAUSE OF HON. JUDGES P V HARDAS & MS MRIDULA BHATKAR PROTECTING DIRTY COPS & MY 7 ACCUSED YOU CAN SEE THE COPY OF MY COMPLAINT AGAINST HC JUDGES ON MY FACEBOOK + I AM ALSO ATTACHING WITH MY EMAIL TO YOU Mohini Kamwani on Facebook MOB 9920412577 RES TEL 02227823443 EMAIL mohini.kamwani@gmail JUDICIAL + POLICE TERRORISM https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=639615699451215&set=a.107002192712571.15407.100002083720059&type=1&theater
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:39:05 +0000

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