Hon. Prime Minister, Namaste. I congratulate you on your - TopicsExpress


Hon. Prime Minister, Namaste. I congratulate you on your successful visit to USA. You strolled around the White House as if it was South Block !! You handled US President Obama as if you were interacting with Amitbhai Shah !!! You spoke at the Madison Garden like the way President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg speech in 1863, then moved on to weave a dream like the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King did in his famous I have a dream whose memorials you visited. After US Secretary of State John Kerrys statement that it was impossible to match you in popularity, nothing more can be said / written on the topic. Americans are so dazed that they shall take a long time to recover from the shocks administered by a Brahmachari-Politician-PM of Bharatavarsha. You had congratulated ISRO scientists by saying they have developed a flair of attaining grand successes, one after the other...similarly Mr. Prime Minister, you have developed a penchant for winning over countries after countries through Charm-Offensive, international leaders after leaders as underscored by Swami Vivekananda in his famous Chicago speech. Your 9-day hot-water Navaratri fast acutely embarrassed Americans, notorious for savouring McDonald burgers and Kentucky chickens, guzzling gallons of Diet Pepsi...I guess, you mentally tortured them too much, Mr. Prime Minister !! Visa on arrival announced by a PM for Americans, who was denied Visa on silly grounds for 10 years, is truly monumental...deserves a memorial right at the Immigration Counter of the JFK Intl. Airport in NY !!!! And immediately after that, world beheld you brooming a dirty police station in Delhi as a measure of Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan without even having eaten food properly, was really very, very heart-touching. You are the first Prime Minister who has embarked upon a mass movement, truly heroic. It is going to be a grand success much before the deadline of 2019 as entire country has been inspired by you ceaselessly. Entire opposition is dazed and stunned into silence. Congressis are just unable to even criticise...they are in a state of severe dilemma, what to say and how to react...then forced to indulge in puerile bla bla... I repeat what I stated earlier, you are turning out to be not only a wonderful but also a unique Prime Minister. With best regards, Ramakant Tiwari
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 14:11:21 +0000

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