Hon. Prime Minister, Namaste. You have often criticised caste - TopicsExpress


Hon. Prime Minister, Namaste. You have often criticised caste system prevalent among Hindus and expressed your determination to eradicate the scourge forever. Not only it is perfectly in order but also overdue. I believe, no other order / system is capable of substituting it other than the meritocratic one. But then, how will you achieve that ? So long as caste-based reservations exist, casteless Hindu society is just a pipe-dream. In fact, every Government post-1947, have been WORST promoters of casteism in the country. As a matter of fact, Governments are bullied into continuing with caste-based reservations and the malaise goes on being extended year after year in a piecemeal manner. Caste-based reservation nurtures and nourishes casteism in the country unremittingly. Caste-based reservation has been a sociological experiment for which nation has paid a very heavy price in terms of attrition, friction, tension and mediocrity. Governments have been pitting so-called Dalits against so-called non-Dalits with the instrument of caste-based reservations just like Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra Congress had been pitting Muslims against Hindus with the instrument of minoritism. Hon. Prime Minister, at the root of caste based backwardness is poverty, causing lack of proper education. Best way to address the issue is massive doses of economic affirmative actions. Let education be 100% free for so-called Dalit children, then they should compete all others on equal footing without any props. You already know Mr. Prime Minister, best way to destroy a man / community is not to allow them to struggle and compete with others. Muslim community is the loudest example of this reality. Then why should we not encourage and support so-called Dalits / Backwards to rise and compete with all, like anyone else ? And rise to prosperity, then lead the nation / so-called upper castes ? Reservation destroys self-respect, much more important ingredient of ones persona than economic prosperity. Then absence of self-respect does not allow them to integrate with rest of the society leading to ghettoisation as is the case of Muslims. We have experimented enough with caste-based reservations for six decades. I do not believe, results have been spectacular. Except that today, every other community wishes to be declared Backward. I too, shall be honoured and privileged Mr. Prime Minister, if I am declared Dalit / Backward by the Govt. with immediate effect !!!!!!!!!!! Caste-based reservation leads to migration of talent to greener pastures leaving behind a Bihar in all respects !!! That is what happened in Bihar when CM Karpoori Thakur zealously promoted caste-based reservations and destroyed higher education in the state as he believed, Universities / Colleges largely promote so-called upper-castes only !! Why not initiate discussions leading to abrogation of reservations altogether, coupled with heavy economic affirmative actions for upliftment of so-called Dalits / Backwards ? I have three strong reasons for raising this topic at this juncture. With you as PM, economic affirmative actions shall reach right targets and not just frittered away in a Rajiva Gandhi style. Secondly, your voice is respected and heard with rapt attention across the nation and we all trust you.If you inspire them to visualise a nation thriving on meritocratic excellence, you shall be heard on a positive note. May be, with no resistance or remonstrance at all. They shall trust you for they shall not be taken for a ride with you as Prime Minister. Thirdly, nation is poised for a paradigm shift in social / developmental engineering under your leadership and this is the right moment to usher into the historic social reform. Otherwise what is the merit in having so-called Dalit Pujaris worshipping portraits of Karunanidhi right inside Garbha-Grha of a Shiva temple in Chennai, much to the embarrassment, discomfiture and chagrin of Bhagavan Shiva, as reported with pictures by Chennai edition of the Indian Express in 2008 ? Another dangerous consequence is the demand for caste-based reservations by neo-converts of Muslim / Christian communities. It is a seed that has been planted by Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra regimes and it may grow into Osama bin-Laden anytime in future. When the Bolshevik regime of erstwhile USSR collapsed under the leadership of President Gorbacheva, his successor Boris Yeltsin profoundly regretted for the long spell of Communism in that large country which brought about only miseries, agonies and abject poverty for a huge population...he further wished, (The Idiotology of...)the ideology of Communism should have been experimented in a smaller country / region first, results examined critically before transplanting it in such a huge country like Russia !! Someone down the years of life of this nation, may have to regret for the menace of caste-based reservations, for having continued with it for so long with proceeds entirely undesirable, unsustainable and highly regressive. With best regards, Ramakant Tiwari
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:43:16 +0000

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