Honest Reflections on Jeremiah 12 Righteous are you, O LORD, - TopicsExpress


Honest Reflections on Jeremiah 12 Righteous are you, O LORD, when I complain to You; yet I would plead my case before You. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all who are treacherous thrive? (vs. 1) It can be tempting to question Gods character, power, wisdom, and faithfulness when challenging times come upon you and your experiences do not affirm with what you have come to know and believe from Gods Word. For when it seems like the claims of Scripture contradict what we experience on a daily basis, suddenly our faith comes to a crossroad, where we must decide: is Gods Word sufficient to anchor my faith to and to ignite a passion to serve Him, or is it useless to believe anyway and give up altogether? Jeremiah is not ashamed to call the LORD righteous, knowing He alone determines, even defines, what it means to be right, good, and true. Yet, even in calling Him righteous, Jeremiah is confused about what he is experiencing, as he is remaining true and loyal to God. The wicked propser, the treacherous thrive, and God is allowing all this, even as they hypocritically profess Him and still their heart is far from Him (vs. 1-2). Meanwhile, Jeremiah testifies to his own heart that the LORD knows and has tested, and even though he is not like them, he is the one suffering for doing good. He is like a lamb led to the slaughter, even by his own countrymen, and it should be the other way around (vs. 3)! Jeremiah even complains how the wicked are causing even the animals in the land to suffer because of their wickedness (vs. 4). You can sense Jeremiah wrestling with these issues in his heart, as if to say, Why is this so, if you are rigthoues, O LORD? The LORD faithfully answers Jeremiah with a rebuke for judging the righteousness of God by his finite perspective on the circumstances. He even hints to Jeremiah to straighten up now, for its about to get worse! Praise God for His truthfulness! If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan? For even your brothers and the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; they are in full cry after you; do not believe them, though they speak friendly words to you. (vs. 5 - 6) Did you hear in those words, what the LORD confronts Jeremiah with, regarding where Jeremiah is placing his trust? Its easy to trust in the LORD when life is smooth sailing. But, when the LORD prunes us of what we are really trusting in (maybe security, comfort, our jobs, our relationships) rather than Him, then watch how we react. Are we still rejoicing and confidently hoping in His sovereignty and in all that He is? Or has God somehow shrunk in size and has become questionable, because we are not getting what we truly have placed our trust in? The LORD goes on and reveals to Jeremiah, that he is not the only one who is experiencing the hate and rebellious nature of His people. No, for God Himself feels it, even as He delivers them over to the enemy. I have forsaken My house [Temple]; I have abandoned My heritage [people of Judah]; I have given the beloved of My soul [people of Judah] into the hands of her enemies (vs. 7). They will get whats coming for how they have treated the LORD. God is not unaware, fooled, mocked, or suprised by the darkness that resides in the hearts of man. He sees and knows, and is patient with us all until the appointed time for His judgment to come swiftly, lest we repent. Perhaps what is more shocking than God allowing the wicked and treacherous to prosper, is that He has not wiped away all of us for our sinful hearts, but has been patient with us, so that His patience, kindness, and forebearance would lead us to repentance (Rom 2:4). It is more shocking that God still comes after us while we are running away from Him, and by the power of the Holy Spirit convicts us and turns us to Jesus, so that we may respond with repentance and faith in Jesus. They may prosper now, the LORD tells Jeremiah, but they will be ashamed soon because of the fierce anger of the LORD will suddenly come upon them and pluck them up (vs. 13-14). Even those that the LORD uses to punish His people, they too will be punished but given a chance to repent with His people, for If they will diligently learn the ways of My people, swear by My Name, As the LORD lives, even as they taught My people to wear by Baal, then they shall be built up in the midst of my people. But if any nation will not listen, then I will utterly pluck it up and destroy it, declares the LORD (vs. 16 - 17). The LORD defines righteousness. Our worldly perception of what is fair and right, is but a tainted version of the righteousness of God. Might we trust in Him always, not allowing the circumstances to put on Him some false image, because things arent going our way; because the things we are trusting in, the LORD has pruned away. Might we trust in His inerrant Word, basing our whole faith in His Word, because of who He is, and not in our feelings or circumstances. We might not always see or experience what we know to be true of God, but that is because God is working out something more glorious that we cannot see at the moment. So, fight the good fight of the faith, join me in suffering as a good soldier of Christ, who is always leading us in triumphant procession! Questions. What do I find myself becoming angry or depressed over, because it is taken away? Am I repenting when I place my trust in other objects (my skills, money, knowledge, relationships, security, etc.), and asking the LORD to turn my being to trust and delight only in Him? Am I holding onto hope and rejoicing with praise, because I know the LORD is on His throne, and He rules over all? Prayer. Almighty King, Lord of Heaven and earth, great are You and worthy of all glory, power, honor, and praise. Your righteousness endures forever. Your kindness and patience and forebearance has led me to repentance, and your grace has saved my soul. Incline my whole being to trust only in You and to never doubt who You are or Your will, because my eyes are too finite to see the glory of Your plans. Grant eternity to rule my sight. Grant Your glory to fill my all. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 11:26:35 +0000

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