Honest Ukip can speak directly to the British people THERE are - TopicsExpress


Honest Ukip can speak directly to the British people THERE are fewer than four months to go before the General election, and the political establishment is desperately hoping that the Ukip surge is over. Eager to rebuild their cosy cartel at Westminster, determined to uphold their progressive ideology, the main parties want to see a return to business as usual in May. In this goal they are supported by a band of seasoned political commentators who predict that Ukip will slide into irrelevance as the poll draws closer. According to this narrative, the General election will follow the pattern of almost every other contest since the war, ultimately coming down to a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives in a string of marginal seats. But this is just wishful thinking from an elite that is living in the past and is unable to grasp the challenge it faces. Under the dynamic leadership of Nigel Farage, Ukip has transformed the political landscape of Britain. The people’s revolt is not going to fade away over the next four months. Exasperation with the traditional system runs too deep. Outrage at the scale of the treachery by the political class is too strong. Ukip may have been quiet in the first weeks of January as the other parties slug it out over issues like the NHS and the economy. But Ukip’s restraint is a sign, not of any dwindling popularity, but of a readiness to marshal resources for the battle ahead. Last year Ukip topped the poll in the European elections, became a major force in local government, and gained two MPs. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is no sign of any loss of support as this election year begins. Indeed, one opinion poll yesterday gave Farage’s party 20 per cent, just eight points behind the Tories. The party’s continuing advance has also been reflected in local council elections. Earlier this month, in a town hall by-election in the rock-solid Labour territory of Bolsover, Ukip saw its vote go up by 40 per cent, reducing Labour’s majority to just 21. Just before Christmas, Ukip gained a seat on Lincolnshire County Council with a 32 per cent increase in their vote. Unable to counter Ukip’s rise with an effective argument, the political establishment has resorted to a remorseless smear campaign, seeking to portray the party as bigoted, intolerant and paranoid. In this climate of cynical denigration, every sensible remark from Farage about immigration or the EU is hailed in shrill terms as “another gaffe” or “a new low”. But none of this barrage of abuse has much traction with the British public. That is because Ukip’s language resonates with a huge number of voters, who are fed up with the political elite’s wilful destruction of our country. What is seen as a “gaffe” within the Westminster bubble is widely regarded as the unvarnished truth outside. There was a classic example of this process in the wake of the Islamist massacre in Paris. When Farage said that the spread of Muslim extremism in Europe could partly be blamed on the doctrines of multiculturalism and mass immigration, which had created “a fifth column” in our midst, Westminster reacted with synthetic indignation. Theresa May, whose enfeebled performance as Home Secretary hardly matched her pose as Britain’s new iron maiden, accused the Ukip leader of being “irresponsible”. But Farage is right. Muslim radicalism has flourished in Britain because of the deliberate policies of successive governments. The real “gaffe” over Paris was perpetrated by the cowardly politicians, who, in their pathetic wish to maintain the illusion of success in their multi-cultural experiment, continually claimed that Islamic terrorism had “nothing to do” with Islam. In a candid moment, Labour’s education spokesman Tristram hunt admitted last week that “Ukip’s electoral success derives from an ability to speak into the living rooms of the British public.” And that ability will ensure that Ukip remains a key factor in British politics up to May. Indeed, thanks mainly to Ukip’s influence, this could be the first General election since the First World War when Labour and the Tories have received less than 60 per cent of the overall popular vote. Having abandoned its traditional working class base through its fixation with fashionable metropolitan dogma, Ed Miliband’s party is under severe threat from Ukip, even its heartlands. But the story for the Conservatives is even worse. Under David Cameron, the party sought to ditch its supposedly toxic image by embracing issues like foreign aid, diversity and gay marriage. Meanwhile the same strategists decided to downplay the importance of the EU and immigration. Even now Cameron refuses to make migration one of the key Tory themes for the coming election. This modernisation project has backfired disastrously. They have alienated swathes of the traditional, patriotic supporters but gained few new ones. Moreover, these warped priorities have led to a dismal record in office, where nothing has been done to tackle creeping European integration or the breakdown in border controls. I predict that the Tories will lose about 80 seats at the General Election and Labour will take power with about a third of the vote. That outcome would represent a farce of democracy, but no greater a farce than the willingness to impose mass immigration and a surrender to Brussels without any mandate, precisely the kind of arrogance that has fed the continuing rise of Ukip. express.co.uk/comment/columnists/leo-mckinstry/552791/Leo-McKinstry-on-the-rise-and-appeal-of-Ukip
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:25:51 +0000

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