Honest, straightforward... (but read carefully - dont just - TopicsExpress


Honest, straightforward... (but read carefully - dont just scan). Disappointment is inevitable for everyone pursuing this miracle lifestyle (My note: of modeling the miracle workings of Jesus by the Holy Spirit). It is also the biggest stumbling block for those who desperately want to see the ministry of Jesus restored to the Church. I had an interesting conversation recently with my friend Don Milam. He is an unusually well-read individual. He told me that when he studied the lives of many atheists and existentialists, he noticed that nearly every one of them believed for a miracle for a dying family member or friend but did not get it. Their coping mechanism became a belief system that got rid of the God is personal, powerful and at hand part of the equation. I have seen pastors do this a lot. They become practical theists, people who have a belief in God, but approach a problem the same way an atheist would - without a miracle-working God at the center of their answer. These leaders see something happen that they cannot explain and in response create a foolish doctrine or belief to take away the pressure of mystery. For example, when a child dies, they may say, God took the life of this child because He needed another angel in heaven. [My note: my child died, my mother, my sister, and many people said something like this to me. Left a big question mark inside.] This statement may give temporary comfort to a grieving family, but it is a lie on several fronts. [My note: Amen] God does not turn the dead into angels, and He did not cause the death of that child. The lie brings temporary peace while undermining the parents ability to truly be healed in their hearts, then rise up and seek the justice of the Lord in giving them vindication for their loss. There is a potential power in loss that gets lost itself in a cloud of disappointment. The lie also keeps them from pursuing a breakthrough anointing so that other parents do not have to feel the same grief and loss. The fact that God can use tragedy has caused many to attribute tragedy to God. The simple solution is WWJD -What would Jesus do? He healed all who came to Him. His is the only standard worth pursuing. (Despite disappointment.) - Bill Johnson (The Essential Guide to Healing)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:21:57 +0000

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