Honestly...It destroys my heart sometimes..To sit and listen to - TopicsExpress


Honestly...It destroys my heart sometimes..To sit and listen to the sermons, to get all happy about people loving Jesus with me, then...We all get in the churchvan and ride to Mcdonalds...I have learned not to say a word..I was homeless..I would collect up a dollar or two, and actually be able to eat enough to fill mi belly, at Mcdonalds..I got fired from Whole Foods because I couldnt understand why we were throwing all this expensive Good food away..Every day...Three times a day..Hundreds of pounds a week, from one store..I would break down the hotbar, and on the way to the trashcan, I would eat..beside the dumpster, I would catch sometimes 10$ or more worth of organic specialty food before the dumpster ate it..And I was fired for stealing food..Never touched anything packaged or even out of circulation..I was poor, struggling to make my living as an Artist, and couldnt justify throwing away good food...Honestly waaay too rebellious for my own good, but I wasnt hurting a SOUL...I walk into Whole Foods now, only after praying for protection..I have seen the demons..I prefer Mcdonalds..and McDonalds is NOT GOOD FOR US...Do you see the dilemma..Go to a place that is supposed to be good for u, and its expensive, and full of hypocrasy..Live hard and long enough, you see places like Mcdonalds actually employing more minorities, actually feeding the folk who by no fault of their own have only 2 or three dollars to eat with...Do you see my dilemma..I love my Christian churches more than anything, but I dont know how environmentally conscious we are as a whole...When I look at who really puts themselves on the line for environmental causes, and boldly faces the fact that this world went stupid hella long ago..these folk come from a wide variety of spiritual backgrounds...I have been in a lot of these places, as a student, and an activist..I have Chanted Rastafari since I learned of this way of life..to accept our differences, and continue, with Unity as a focus, and obedience to divine purpose as the goal..The Holy Spirit is in me, and I thank Jesus Christ for this grace...Living in this world is the difficult thing..Making it right is the difficult thing..To Honor the Earth, and want more for humanity to wake up, than to use Jesus name as a credit card number...That is my point..I spend days alone, because I dont like this world, though I love the people in it..I am just one..Tired, but blessed..People are confused, I am not the only one...I am not against you.I pray to make it right..JAH RASTAFARI p.s. I am a meateating, bible reading, churchgoing to, hoodhaunting, Hooterslovin, good ole CountryBwai...I want to hunt..I want to exist as part of a Church government, apart from the government as it is today..I would be happy going to church and finding everthing I need there..Does that make me a communist? The Ideal scenario from my perspective...I go to church everyday..We are very organised, every member is a functioning part of the body of Christ...We have gardens that produce enough food for our members, excess delegated for charity..We have hunters, to bring in the meat..(I am not a vegetarian and probably never will be again, God bless you if that is your spiritual path, it is not mine..)(Rastafarians are not required to be vegetarians..it is a choice) We communicate with other Christian churches, regularly..We have sports teams, to compete seasonally with other churches in our network...We are not perfect but we pay attention to the environmental impact we have, and work together to take it seriously and become good stewards of this land, as our God would have us be...Soo much more to say, and I am at the Library running out of time to say it..FOR NOW..Ill BE BACK:) Dios te bendiga.. Mi Iglesia, te amo con todo mi corazon...I am not trying accuse anyone..I speak these thing of myself..I love the fact that so many at our church have their own Gardens, and livestock..I pray to move forward in this direction..These are true thoughts from your son....Dios te bendiga
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:40:48 +0000

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