Honesty IS rewarded... So I just went stocking stuffer shopping... - TopicsExpress


Honesty IS rewarded... So I just went stocking stuffer shopping... gathering all kinds of goodies for the stockings for my family (I always go crazy with the stockings - they turn out more like BIG BAGS of stuff on top of their gifts).. so I finally gather a bounty of sweets & treats & get to the check out line where I start txtng with my sweet friend Shayne Rigdon... The nice lady at the register is just ringing me up and I am not paying too much attention and txtng with Shayne, getting infuriated at the situation he has just witnessed & he is telling me about... As she is ringing me up I only see her ring up TWO of an item that I picked up THREE of... so I just think to myself that maybe I had put it on the check-out belt further up the line (after all I had gotten heaps of stocking stuffers). So after she is done, I thank her & wish her a Merry Christmas & head home... all the way home I am singing Christmas carols & am just in a happy mood.. I get home, change into my comfy clothes & start taking the stuff out of the bags to get situated & in the right bags for the specific people... I notice that there are NOT three of the item & I KNOW I picked up three & I look on the register & lo-n-behold there are only two on the receipt... so I just figure I dropped it in the store... After that is done, I pick up my keys and cell phone to put them back in my purse... and then I see IT... the THIRD one I had picked up IS IN MY BAG!!!!!! It had fallen in somehow! I start to panic & feel overwhelmed with guilt... I loathe shoplifters & thieves (as you all know from some of the posts I have posted)... So I call the number on the receipt & ask to speak to the manager... I tell him what happened & asked if it was ok if I pay for it the next time I come in, he is very kind & says No problem... I ask him if he needs my name or anything & he says Maam... anyone that calls to say they accidentally walked out with a ONE DOLLAR item, I trust completely. When you come in next time just ask for me.... I told him I would be in within the next few days, he said it was no problem. So I start wrapping up gifts again & it is just eating at me... I KNOW it was an accident, but I still feel horrid. So I get dressed again, hop in my car & head out back to the store... I get there with the item I took & didnt pay for & my receipt, I ask for the manager that I spoke to & apologized profusely... I told him that I felt so badly that I had to make it right, right away. He rang up my item & was so nice & polite... I am still apologizing... I pay the dollar & tell him Thank you so much & I am so sorry again... He then says Most people wouldnt even do what you just did. They would either have taken it purposely or thought well it is only a dollar. So I would like to give you THIS for your honesty He then hands me a $20 gift certificate! I tell him that I cant accept that, I was in the wrong. But he insisted. I was the one who had accidentally taken something without paying yet HE was gifting me. I thanked him again, all the while my mind is spinning & I am thinking What just happened?. I walk out of the store with my PAID for item & a $20 gift certificate & start heading to my car... as I am going to my car I see one of the regular homeless gentlemen that are always in that area I then it hits me... This all happened so I could help someone... So I walked up to him & said Excuse me, Sir? He turns to me & I hand him the gift certificate & say Merry Christmas. He said Thank you We both smiled & parted ways... So I guess everything happens for a reason... AND YES doubters, I just shared another true story with you!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 01:20:42 +0000

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