Honey im home... Auuuu sdop it #Jahr baha garry on #TBS Part - TopicsExpress


Honey im home... Auuuu sdop it #Jahr baha garry on #TBS Part 4 Long walks on the beach I get up and do my daily routine. Pray, wash up, breakfast and chill lol but instead of chilling, I walk into the living room and see the someone ive been doing my best to avoid for the past year. My crazy as ex John. Dwayne hated him and for all the right reasons. He had never met John but he was about to. D text me just as I was walking through the living room. Morning meekz, im coming over with breaky alright? What do you want from maccaz?. Morning D, maccaz again? haha ill just have a bagel and hot chocolate please. Thank you. See you soon and please be quick. John is here be safe x John- well well well if it isnt my beautiful ex girlfriend, you look so alive boo Me- shut the f*ck up john you ugly kien.dal John- please dont swear so early in the morning honey He then gets up and walks towards me --------------------------------------------------------- Past time: John and I dated for 3 months and in between those 3 months he always emotionally, mentally and vocally abused me. Luckily he never tried anything physically or he would have been behind bars right now. we broke up because of his foul mouth ---------------------------------------------------------- I started to panic as he walked towards me and let out a scream that had my 2 brothers running my way. Ken and Daniel (Daniel was the one who let john in cos they were old friends zz lol) ran towards me and ken collared him to the wall. John dont you dare think about touching my sister or i will do what i did to you the last time we had a run in now get out of our house!! i ran behind ken and daniel was just standing there like an idiot. sorry uce but you have to go he says to john. John was fuming at this point and punched our wall then left but when he went to walk to his car dwayne pulled up, well ya know what happened next, they exchanged some nice words and in the end dwayne the fia tough guy lol threw a rock at johns car as he drove away haha lucky for daniel and me, john never showed his face again #cheering haha D- Meekz you ok? Did he hurt you? Im sorry for not coming any faster. Maccaz drive thru was full. He hugs me and i shrug my shoulders to let him know im tired of drama. We walk through the door and ken was having a punch up with daniel for letting my ex in. haha me and dwayne had to seperate them. Ken- daniel you know what mikah went through with that punk as.h and you wanna let him in just because your his friend? next time dont be so stupid you faggot! Dan- turned to me, sis im sorry i wasnt thinking Me- daniel stop being a suck up for johns manipulative ways. stay away from him please so he can stay away from me Dwayne- Meekz calm down, here have a break and have this kit kat.. he hands me a kit kat and i couldnt stop my laughter haha trust him to always make me laugh in a heated situation lol i grab the kit kat and slap him with it haha we had breakfast and chilled all day. Later that night Dwayne text me when i was sitting right next to him haha Meekz, are you ok? Can we go for a cruise and talk please? I have a surprise for you! ps you look so beautiful I heard my phone go off thinking it was one of the girls and to my surprise it was him i turned to him with a confused look on my face and hit him lol lets go D. We went for a cruise and back when we had first started texting we played 21 questions and dwayne found out that i love pancakes with maple syrup lol so he took me to his house not far from mine for dinner that he cooked (he never cooks only on special occassions) and dessert which was of course pancakes lol then he started going all heart to heart on me haha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meekz, im so sorry about the other night. When i kissed your forehead, i could feel you tense and i knew it was awkward for you. I cooked dinner and made dessert for you as an apology. So can you accept it please? Dwayne Faafua, you didnt have to do all of this for me to accept your apology. What happened was in the past. Your right i froze because i didnt know what to do. Im sorry too. I then got up and walked to his side of the table and he got up and we hugged for what felt like forever lol then it happened again. He kissed my forehead but this time it wasnt an accident. I looked into his eyes and wondered what he was feeling while we were both in each others arms. I pulled in close and whispered in his ear dwayne, your crazy but i love you. Things almost got heated between us until his mom walked in haha hi mikah how are you? i quickly moved away from dwayne haha mum can you knock next time? (dwayne lives behind his parents house so we were alone lol) his mum laughed and said to her son baby dont be stupid this is my house just as much as it is yours now go drop mikah off home dwayne rolled his eyes took my hand and led me to the car lol awkward silence haha he didnt drop me straight home instead he drove again to that park lol As we parked up lol i couldnt help but laugh at the silence between us hahaha then he started Meekz i know you love laughing but can you be serious for once? As soon as i heard the seriousness in his voice i stopped being humerous and turned to him. What he said next took me surprise that i ended up in tears. . .
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:58:55 +0000

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