Honey is a good natural source of carbohydrates. It contains the - TopicsExpress


Honey is a good natural source of carbohydrates. It contains the sugar fructose, which is much sweeter than glucose. Also it is rapidly absorbed by the body, so it can be used as an instant energy booster immediately after a workout or otherwise. For years, honey is known to have antibacterial properties. Studies show that unprocessed, pure honey is three times more effective in killing bacteria than processed honey. Because of its sticky nature, it coats the throat and triggers nerves that reduce sensitivity to cough impulse. A glass of milk mixed with honey is a well known remedy for better sleep. Studies have shown that honey has sleep-inducing properties and facilitates the action of tryptophan in milk, helping people to sleep. Studies indicate that raw honey contains lots of phytonutrients that stimulate antibody production, thus acting as an immune booster. Acne is caused mainly by oil, dirt and bacteria build up. Honey, being an antibacterial, helps to kill bacteria. Plus, it also helps to sooth inflammation of the affected area and manages blemishes cause by acne. Honey eliminates free radicals in our system and reduces overall oxidative stress that contributes to ageing. Because of its potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, and significant ability to heal wounds, honey can be used to soothe mouth ulcers and to fasten the healing process Since a long time, honey was used for healing burns and wounds. Because of its anti-inflammatory property, it soothes burning sensation and speeds up the healing process. Studies have shown that 1st and 2nd degree burns can be effectively treated with honey. It also prevents infections because of anti-bacterial properties. Honey stimulates the growth of good bacteria (probiotics) in the intestine which help in digestion. Some studies show that honey has potential anti-cancer properties. It may be soon used as a supplement in cancer therapy.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:33:58 +0000

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