Honorable High court of Gujarat, vide its civil Application No. - TopicsExpress


Honorable High court of Gujarat, vide its civil Application No. 9988/95 has given certain guidelines in regards of Traffic Engineering such as :- Overall measures to prevent traffic pollution. Countdown clock may be fixed at intersections so that vehicle drivers can put off the engine. It will reduce fuel consumption as also reduce pollution. Co-ordinate traffic signals should be established on high density traffic points so that vehicle will have less scope for stopping periodically. Overall measures to minimise road accidents within the cities/townships and highways. Effort should be made to improve road junctions and curves to minimise accidents. Local authorities and traffic police should work to ensure adequate parking place on important roads. Widening and improving of road along metro cities should be undertaken. Providing of Bypasses for all important towns should be undertaken. Each urban city/town should prepare its traffic plan. Shifting of transport godown, wholesale markets and St terminals to outside the city limits should be examined on a priority basis. A traffic plan should be prepared for each township and city where local authorities and traffic police should be involved. This should also include an integrated engineering unit. Periodic corrective engineering measures should be taken for ensuring smooth flow of traffic minimising accidents. Existing engineering plans should be renewed periodically. Road surface should be Periodically strengthened and renewed. Periodic drives to clear traffic signs and pasted with posters. Advertisers to be held responsible for such defacing. Parking is a major issue in urban centres. There should be no parking for at least 15 meters from a intersection and 50 meters from a signal operated intersection. Rules for commercial building should be strictly implemented making it compulsory to provide basement parking. Existing violations should be severely penalised and no future violation should be tolerated. Suggesting of the putting up fly-overs at the most risky points on the highway and city township roads. Putting up fly-overs are expensive propositions for which large fund is required. The fly-overs can also be made self-financing by selling available space for advertisements and hoardings. Suggesting putting up of escalators and / or crossing bridges in the corporations cities to reduce road crossing risks. Pedestrian crossing should be made available at important places and people should be encouraged to cross only at pedestrian crossings. Suggesting changes in road pattern on highways and in city/township in and around the accident zone. Engineering shortcoming should be rectified on road stretches from time to time If possible bye pass should be constructed on such accident prone zones. In towns and cities such areas should be taken care of by deployment of policemen, installation of traffic signals and alteration in engineering and road design.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 09:51:52 +0000

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