Honorable Representative Walden, Sent to my senators and - TopicsExpress


Honorable Representative Walden, Sent to my senators and representative. Would you please help me convince the three forest supervisors to hold comment meetings on the proposed Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision (BMFPR) to take oral comments, and change this plan? The Forest Service held “informational” meetings starting three days after they released the 1400 page BMFPR. We were told at these meetings that we would have a chance to comment on the plan at later meetings. However, the Forest Service is not holding any meetings to take oral comments. I have had many mining association members, and other people in the community, tell me they do not like closing of the forest to motorized access, and they don’t like many other things that are in this BMFPR. Yet, when asked, they admit that they have not turned in any written comments. They feel like it is too hard to do, and it just doesn’t do any good. Many people have enjoyed utilizing our National Forest resources for most of their life. A lot of them are not computer literate, nor are they comfortable writing comments to government agencies. Many have grown older and now find walking long distances more difficult. Being able to drive a pickup to a wood tree is extremely important when you depend on wood heat. Being able to drive within reasonable walking distance to a place to fish, pick berries, mushrooms, or enjoy the beauty of your favorite spot is essential to the health and well-being of people who have spent practically their whole life doing this. In addition, extracting valuable minerals, and prospecting will become much more difficult if this plan is implemented in its present form. The passion and sincerity of people who have spent their whole life enjoying the use of the National Forests is not adequately understood by a “resource team” hired by the Forest Service to read, analyze, and catalog written comments. Commenting orally would be one way these people could be heard by the decision makers. The BMFPR will affect a lot of people who will only grow more angry if they feel like it has been impossible to have their opinions heard and their desired changes have been ignored. I would sincerely appreciate it, if you would call each of these Forest Supervisors, and tell them they need to hold more meetings, take oral comments, and change the BMFPR plan so it is in line with the way people have used the forest in the past. Many people still remember that the National Forests were created for the use and enjoyment of all of the people. It was not meant to be closed up with restricted access, so only the young and healthy could enjoy the forests. Sincerely Yours, Ken Alexander, President Eastern Oregon Mining Association 541 446 3413 Please call these Forest Supervisors: Wallowa Whitman National Forest Supervisor John Laurence 541-523-6391 Umatilla National Forest Forest Supervisor Kevin Martin 541-278-3716 Malheur National Forest Forest Supervisor Teresa Raaf 541-575-3000
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 19:09:49 +0000

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