Honouring Haruna Ilerika by recognising his legacy FOOD FOR - TopicsExpress


Honouring Haruna Ilerika by recognising his legacy FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Why do we persistently act so irresponsibly as a people? National football associations that are affiliated to FIFA are not to be created by law. Rather, just like FIFA in Switzerland, they are only expected to be recognised by law. FIFA is incorporated as an NGO in the Commercial Register under Article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code. Accordingly, what we need to do in Nigeria, if there is no ulterior motive, is to simply incorporate NFF at the Corporate Affairs Commission under Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act. Currently, NFF is not incorporated to perform any function whatsoever. It is not known to law. Why, then, has it falsely stated in its Statutes that it is acting in “compliance with the laws of Nigeria”? And why does government continue to relate to it as a statutory body, allocating to it funds from the public treasury…? Now, to today’s main piece in memory of Haruna Ilerika, the iconic school-boy football master craftsman and one of the most gifted dribblers that ever played for Nigeria, who passed on exactly six years ago last Thursday. It was Yomi Opakunle who broke the news to me. “Hello.” “Good morning, ‘CJ’.” “How are you, Yomi?” “Not so fine o! Haruna Ilerika is dead. He died at 3:00 a.m. He was ill. I hear it was his liver. And I saw him only two weeks ago o…!” Yes, Haruna Ilerika had passed. Muda Lawal and Alloy Atuegbu (his contemporaries in the midfield of the Green Eagles in the mid-70s) had passed earlier too. As each person plays his part on the stage of life and exits, he leaves behind lessons that others may learn from. As a football crowd pleaser Ilerika was exceptional. He was sheer magic in the Principals Soccer Cup in 1969/1970. I was only in Form 1 (now called JSS1) at CMS Grammar School, Bariga, Lagos, but I vividly recall how he made his school, Zumratul-Islammiyya Grammar School, Lagos, one of the most dreaded secondary schools in football. Diminutive though he was in size, as a player he was of considerable stature. Usually clad in oversized shorts, he was so nimble and could so expertly dribble the ball with his natural left foot that he was the toast of musicians including the great Ebenezer Obey who sang songs “pleading” with him to “have mercy” on his opponents. Ilerika really had as deft and precise a left foot as you ever saw. Nicknamed ‘Master Dribbler’, and ‘Tailor’, his popularity soared in 1971 when he joined Stationery Stores of Lagos, arguably the most prominent privately owned club in the football history of Nigeria with probably the most passionate supporters in the country, where he played alongside Yomi Peters who also passed on less than two weeks ago. From there he was invited to the senior national team, the Green Eagles, helping Nigeria win Gold in football at the 2nd All Africa Games ’73 in Lagos, and Bronze in the African Nations Cup ’76 in Ethiopia. No club in Nigeria idolised players quite like Stores. Supporters of the club went to great lengths to make their players feel loved and gave goods and services to them free of charge: TVs and stereo sets from electronics dealers; beef from butchers; accommodation from landlords, etc. Unfortunately, their adulation blinded many Stores players to the harsh reality of life out of the limelight. They simply did not feel the need to prepare for their retirement. And it is a matter of grave concern that the same holds true for many of our current star athletes. Athletes would do well to squeeze out time to acquire skills that may be handy when they retire from active sport. However, there are many footballers today who earn enough to make them millionaires in any currency. But a sizeable number of them do not invest wisely. Unpredictable market fluctuations may make stocks and shares rather dicey, and there may be no wisdom in dumping huge sums in an idle account. But, there is always relative assurance in investing in well-located land and buildings after necessary confirmation of title. When family squabbles tore Stores apart, many players, including Ilerika, found that they were ill-prepared to adequately fend for themselves. Players who had passed their prime but had neither alternative skills nor reasonable investments faced very hard times. Ilerika also complained bitterly that service to his country did not improve his economic status. “Well done boys, the nation is proud of you,” was his team’s only reward for their 1973 All Africa Games performance, he grieved. He lamented further to Mumini Alao of Complete Football, “I realised not a single kobo playing at the Nations Cup for Nigeria. It is just now that the former Lagos State Governor Bola Tinubu and his successor Raji Fashola are helping me out. If not for their support, a national hero like me would have lived like a pauper.” No doubt, he was a superbly gifted performer who was probably carried away by the attention of the fans and failed to anticipate the ‘morning-after’ syndrome. However, while there are too many former stars wallowing in misery and penury, Ilerika was simply lucky: until his demise, he was Vice Chairman of the Lagos State Football Association. Ilerika was down to earth and had a profound sense of humour. Only a star athlete of uncommon humility like him would cheerfully disclose that he did the laundry for his older colleagues when he was first invited to the national team in 1971. I am thankful for the privilege to see Ilerika play between 1969 and 1976. Regrettably, our poor record-keeping habits and dearth of archival tapes mean that many younger lovers of the sport are denied what was quite an unforgettable experience. In an interview with Style Africa magazine in 2005, Ilerika confirmed that “I believe in grassroots football development because that was the way I was brought up.” While reports have it that Fashola’s government graciously and very commendably gave a sum of money to Ilerika’s bereaved family, methinks LSFA should, at least, name its commendable grassroots development project after him. Haruna Ilerika left fond moments etched on the memory of those who knew him, and from his life experience lessons that all may benefit from. Copyright PUNCH.All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH. 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Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:11:38 +0000

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