Hoon Hong & Joshua helped install this safety gate for a family as - TopicsExpress


Hoon Hong & Joshua helped install this safety gate for a family as theres a safety hazard for their children. Family trying to get their life together and we are assisting them to have a fresh start. They and others from our social team are doing their usual weekend rounds, visiting and following up. Met them while some of us were distributing We Care packs to our public assistance recipients. There are all sorts of conditions in every household. In some, you see the old folks frail and unwell (like the gentleman with the condition in the photo) just lying in their beds, while others are spritely and chatty. Some are neat and tidy, while some are messy and unhygienic in the upkeep of their flats. We had two suicides recently. One even hung a bag of prayer items for her family to offer them to call back her soul. With more volunteers, we should try to identify more of those who may need help. Meanwhile, as we visit the households, we also link up with the children to see if they also need extra assistance via our Homework Club that takes place twice a week. We are also running other youth programmes. I do believe we can break the low income cycle and hope that we can move the kids out of the rental flats when they grow up. There are many reasons why people end up in the situation they are in. The main thing is to ensure that help is available; it is. So do let us know so that we can follow up or call 1800 222 0000. Even better still, help us solve the problem upstream. Met a few new volunteers from amongst my residents as well. Thank you all for stepping forward. And thanks to our usual gang for continuing to step forward again and again, week after week! If you are from around here...join us!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:44:00 +0000

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