Hope I can get all the text in, heres what Eric gave before my - TopicsExpress


Hope I can get all the text in, heres what Eric gave before my eulogy. Whats there to say about Richard Frankman that we don’t already know? We know he was a devoted husband, a loving, caring father, a man who left the world of sales to answers Gods call, to try and make the world a better place. He managed to maintain a work life balance while serving the Lord, and Running Alpha Specialties with Sue, Edie, and various other family members from time to time. But did you know that Richard has made life difficult, to say the least? You see I joined the Frankman family in 2000. His daughter and I had already been living together for 5 months before I met him. As a new comer I was overwhelmed at the thought of meeting ALL of the Frankmans, at Thanksgiving, for the first time. Ever. He picked us up at the airport and from the first moment on, I felt comfortable, even though I knew I was “under the microscope”, after all I was living with his daughter. By the time our visit was over, what started out as a hearty handshake, ended in a heartfelt hug in the same place. He, and the rest of the family made me feel like one of them, one of the Frankmans, which was great. I found out that we shared many interests. Dick and I shared a love for media, whether it be television or radio. He persued his dream all the way to New York City with Jack, and worked at NBC for Johnny Carson. How cool is that!! I can only imagine him living like Don Draper from Mad Men in the big city. I am not sure that’s really how it was, but that’s the way I choose to imagine the story. Dick was also a DJ at a radio station when he moved back to Ohio, “Tricky Ricky spinning stacks of wax!!! One Sunday afternoon, he was monitoring a live broadcast of a baseball game, and the warm studio and big meal after church caused Richard to take a quick nap (which as the years went on became more of a routine instead of an isolated incident). The golden age of Radio, became the deafening sounds of silence while he enjoyed his afternoon nap, as the station was off the air! When I worked in television I once chose to “shut my eyes for a minute” only to have Direct Tv call to wake me up wondering why we were off the air for 20 minutes. When we would get together, we would play a few rounds of golf. Now mind you, I love golf, but I’m terrible at it. I would always have a great time out there. We played a super nice course in Orlando one time with his friend Jason. I know I was holding these 2 pros up, but he would always take time to give me pointers on how to be better. Being out on the course was some of my fondsest memories of Dick. I knew he really considered me family when I got the initial invite to play and after seeing how bad I was, to get invited back!! Through my relationship with Richard, I realized that the old saying is true, Women do tend to marry their fathers. I’ll never be able to live up to this challege that he set before me. I know I wouldn’t take the to write Mimi name in ketchup on her hamburger after working an 18 hour day. I know I wouldn’t take her to the library, instead of her tennis lessons, and make Sue mad. I wouldn’t dare go in with Thad and buy a case of wine from a traveling sales man and hide it in the closet, and break out bottles on special occasions. I know I couldn’t go see every Julia Roberts movie, when I hear stuff blowing up in the theater next door. But Dick did. He challenges me everyday, to live a good life, to be a good husband and a pillar of the community. To go the extra step, to be open and welcoming to everyone, unless you are Jehovahs Witness on Christmas day. I know that I’ll never live up to be being half the husband, and father that Richard was, but I’ll try. Every day. Thanks for always making me a part of the family and for all the great memories, but more importantly thank you for being you.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:45:14 +0000

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