Hope everyone had an amazing week! :) When its all said and done, - TopicsExpress


Hope everyone had an amazing week! :) When its all said and done, you find things and people in your life that make you truly, deeply happy but the honest truth is that everyone and everything seems to be a similar copy of what we truly want in the deepest depths of our souls.. Everybody is always looking for something new and different and better in our lives but if we take a second and breathe and understand what we truly want then maybe we will have an answer. The world changes and we evolve as human beings. We do our best every day with what we know and what we have learned in our life time. But at a certain point, I think that everyone has a moment or a person or a time in their life that sticks and stands out above all else. We cant help this.. We can fight it all we want but it is a part of our brain that trumps the less significant parts. We never truly know where our lives will lead us but few of us have the most intense privilege of knowing love and a truly special thing or person in our history or present that has made such an impact on our life that we can not erase it even if we wanted to. Why would we want that? There are so many superficial entities in our lives and we often overlook the significant times where our existence truly takes shape. Unfortunately, the majority of us are too thick or afraid to listen. So after all of this I say that if you find something or more importantly someone in your life that moves you and makes an impact on your life so substantially that you cannot go a day without thinking about him or her or this or that.. Then you investigate this. Until you have a 100% definite solution and or answer about where he or she or this or that stands in your life, then after that.. Keep digging. Because in time, an answer will eventually present itself. It has to. If not, explore some more and be patient.. Let it be. Its never too late to figure out what makes us tick and soar. Fierce passion is rare so hold tight and believe in the signs that present themselves to you and never give up on what or who you love.. With that I say what constantly never changes. The heart wants what it wants and it will never diminish. Like the monkeys swinging in the zoo or the moon taking over the night sky. Hopefully everyone can take this away as an inspiring addition to your already positive day and or night.. If not, you will probably forget it in a day or two. The funny thing is, is that where would this message be without Facebook? I would have probably found a more suitable spot for this update to wander but luckily Facebook has so deeply taken hold of many of us, its hard for individuals to meet a new person without mentioning the word; facebook. So I thank Facebook and hopefully everyone will at least take a glance at this. I speak the truth and from the deepest parts of my heart, mind, body and soul; I would appreciate it if you hear me. If not, its all the same, you will go on and live your life in the same manner. Just please be good to yourself, your family, your loved ones, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, anyone and or anything you hold dear to your heart. Life is short and the sky is the limit in regards to how much you can give and or love. So love.. :)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 09:40:57 +0000

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