Hope is on my mind. Hope that our country will now halt - TopicsExpress


Hope is on my mind. Hope that our country will now halt progression toward becoming another UN socialist slave state. Hope that congress will follow the constitution and uphold the true meaning of its amendments. They must enforce the real laws of our land to prevent the POTUS who obviously is trying to diminish its power and purposes through Executive Orders. There have been too many times when the POTUS and his henchmen have overstepped their boundaries to trample on our rights. The congress must absolutely stand up and prosecute those in the government that usurped our authority, abused their positions, and subverted our laws. The senators, congressmen and bureaucratic puppets that worked to undermine the constitution must be removed from office.The treasonous acts of those people must be prosecuted and they must be punished! It cannot be business as usual anymore. Our country is under siege from within and at our borders and we need to immediately take steps to protect it. Foreign influences and power mongers are trying to destroy us! I have had enough of politicians that claim they are serving the people, while actually working to trick them and coral them like sheep for the shearing. Both the republican & democratic parties have serious flaws that need adjustment. The republicans better wake up and address the abuses of power by the Executive Branch. The democratic party needs a serious enema to remove the socialists and radical Islamic s hiding it. Now is a good time to give them a dose of Ex-lax while they stand their with their mouths open!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:26:03 +0000

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