Hope is one of the most powerful forces in our lives for bad or - TopicsExpress


Hope is one of the most powerful forces in our lives for bad or good, and we are always hoping in something, looking forward to something, or eagerly desiring some payoff. Were pretty good at knowing immediate hopes like, “I cant wait for the kids to get back in school” or “Im looking forward to getting settled in my new job” or “my new classes” or “I’m hoping for a raise,” “Im hoping to lose weight,” “I really want this new car,” “Im praying to find that new love relationship.” But when it comes to what we hope for in the future, what I call our “ultimate hope,” the payoff gets a bit fuzzier. People tend to have a sense that things will be better in the future, that God will reward them as they lead good lives. But if we have trouble stating and remembering what our ultimate hope is, just like the family vacation or the New Year’s resolution, when you lose sight of the payoff, all thats left is the frustrations of the path. And if you stay in that frustration for long enough, you begin to feel despair. You react only to temporary disturbances in comfort rather than living for what matters most. God is the solid rock upon which we hang onto ultimate hope, and He is the one that holds our ultimate payoff, and the more you keep your eyes on Him, the more His hope directs your life. When God is your ultimate hope, you live with God’s ultimate purpose.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:02:11 +0000

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