Hope you all had a good Saturday. Today wasnt the best of days - TopicsExpress


Hope you all had a good Saturday. Today wasnt the best of days buddys morning was pretty hectic. We did have a okay afternoon but this evening wasnt the best..Buddys been tired and in a good amount of discomfort she is getting a little relief at times but it doesnt last very long but we are thankful for that she has also been pretty pale she needs fluids badly. Thanks so much for praying for my fighter all the prayers, support and kind words helps us get through these tough days. I hope things get better soon and we get the answers we need! Its horrible seeing your child not feeling well but you would never know it! She wakes up like she feels like a million bucks but she honestly doesnt! She is my hero I have no clue how she does it her strength is absolutely amazing! She is just amazing! Ill update in the morning. Thanks again we love you all and dont know what we would do without each and everyone of you! Im praying for a uneventful night. My nerves have been pretty bad worrying about buddy :(. I just want her to feel better. Her bile output hasnt changed any and its still a horrible amount we havent seen any improvement but we are staying on top of things! I hope these test on February 9th and the motility test will help us get the answers we need. If it wasnt for her amazing doctors buddys stomach has drained about 1000mls total tonight since 5:30 PM. I dont know where we would be because they never gave up on Jocelyn and are doing everything! 💜 thanks for fighting along with my little fighter! (Buddys sister started the little fighter word its now famous haha) we will keep fighting until we get answers! Jocelyn your amazing, incredible and much more your a inspiration to this world! Goodnight everyone! 🌟
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:38:44 +0000

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