Hopefully not too many will scroll past this before reading. - TopicsExpress


Hopefully not too many will scroll past this before reading. Listen, we are all human and will eventually face death. What lies beyond that has been up for debate since the beginning of history. Regardless of whatever one thinks, there has to be really only one answer. But how would anyone know? Well, here it comes; There is one major source of information that is readily available and has yet to be disproved in anyway, despite thousands of years of many trying and that is the Holy Bible. Now, dont scroll away just yet. If anyone, (be it Jew or Gentile, Saved or Unsaved) wants to see the Kingdom of Heaven, God has very specific rules - and we ought to know them. The admission into the Kingdom is technically free but it requires a change in you while here. What that means has several parts to it and need not appear to believers as any sort of works based doctrine. We are all free to choose to pursue righteousness, which is what a perfect God not only wants but we should expect that He would want. By asking God to show you the truth of His Word, He most certainly will remove the veil from your eyes so long as you ask from the heart. The Apostle Paul explicitly states that the things of God are Spiritually (meaning the Holy Spirit of God) discerned. They are foolishness to the common (or perishing) man. Heres a pretty good analogy for those who think that those of us who claim this Jesus character are out of our minds or weak or need a crutch or whatever. Im sure many have heard worse. In contrast to those who are already believers in Jesus Christ, non-believers are like the brother-in-law banker character in the movie Field of Dreams, (played by Timothy Busfield) who was frustrated because he couldnt understand why his sister, brother-in-law and their kids would sit staring at an empty field all day at the risk of losing their entire property for being in arrears or something. Then one day, he was sitting there and was perplexed to see an entire field of players in a game of baseball on the once empty field. He was like, hey, where did all these baseball players come from? He could now see because he WANTED or CHOSE to believe in his heart that what they were seeing was actually real - and then it was given to him by Him. Seeing Gods plan is quite the same and Im sure that many who can see this truth will say that it is very much like that. Once I was blind, but now I see. says the bible. Below is a crucial lesson from a highly knowledgeable man of Scripture. As far as the rock bottom truth of what Scripture says about going to the Kingdom of Heaven, his dissertation is necessary to know by everyone, especially believers because of how much error there is in the church. Advanced as far as absolute truth, but very easy to follow because of how well he teaches. You can tell that he is very passionate (yet softly so) about his message - and for good reason. There are strong grounds for why some consider Matthew 7:21-23 to be three of the most important verses in all the Bible. Remember, Jesus did say, narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.. Give it a listen........ youtu.be/swHSyXwneRU
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:00:46 +0000

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