Hoping this wont get too long so Ill dive right in! I was with - TopicsExpress


Hoping this wont get too long so Ill dive right in! I was with this guy for three years and for the first two years it was fine but the third year he essentially got extremely overprotective and tried to control my every move. After a while I realized we were really different and he was getting out of hand so after a while I ended it. Side note, also during the third year, I met this other guy at my community centers volunteer youth group (important to note that my ex also volunteered here) and to be honest after a while I started to have feelings for him and it was clear he did too but I didnt plan to pursue them and he didnt seem to either so theres that. Regardless, through my interactions with this guy my ex got all paranoid that there was a thing between us and he basically pulled him aside and told him to back off and he did. Nevertheless, this guy wasnt the main cause for the break up. After our break up the other guy and I talked and well we have been talking for the past three years. Its crazy home much we have in common and well he means the world to me. Heres the problem, ever since the break up my ex has been trying to get in contact with me however way he can through friends and family (so for three years). The first few months I just ignored him but after I talked to him and explained that it was over but he still didnt get it and kept emailing me. Point is things with this guy are getting a bit serious and we cant really move on with my ex just there all the time (also he knows about the present situation with my ex and hes been so understanding and patient through all of it). Some friends have suggested getting a restraining order but that would get all nasty and waay too dramatic. Ive also considered just ignoring him until he moves on because talking to him just might make him think theres a way to get back together. Either choice has its disadvantages (i.e. ignoring him might not actually work) so were just really stuck and any advice on how to deal with this situation would be greatly appreciated!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:00:01 +0000

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