Hormone Insulin: (from Womens Health Mag) Every time you down a - TopicsExpress


Hormone Insulin: (from Womens Health Mag) Every time you down a carb-laden meal or sugary drink that makes your blood sugar skyrocket, your body responds by releasing insulin, whose job it is to pull extra glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream. Overdo it on pasta, bread or sweets, and insulin can cause those excess calories to be stored as fat... Extra pounds can often lead to insulin resistance - a condition in which cells become less responsive to the hormone - and to diabetes. you can control the amount of insulin your body produces and how your cells respond to it by cutting back on foods that cause the biggest spikes in blood sugar....soft drinks account for a full third of the added sugars in our diets, so nixing them is a great start. Trading processed, refined carbs like white past and bread for whole-grain versions, which contain fiber to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, also makes for a more even-keeled insulin response. Plus, the fiber with help you feel fuller for fewer calories. And if you tend to stick to three squares a day, spacing out the timing of your meals and snacks so that youre eating smaller portions more frequently is another smart way to maintain consistent levels of glucose and insulin...
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:01:14 +0000

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