Hornbeams Druid horoscope The Hornbeam is known as the tree for - TopicsExpress


Hornbeams Druid horoscope The Hornbeam is known as the tree for the common man. It represents straightforwardness, strength, determination, growth, warmth, ethics, and loyalty. People born under the sign of Hornbeam are pretty but lackluster. They may have been very beautiful when they were young but with the age they lose their sparkle and can blend in with the rest of the world. Hornbeam people have very exquisite taste; both the form and substance of things are equally important to them. This sign desperately needs to be appreciated. Hornbeams begin to yearn for recognition from a very early childhood. At the same time, they hardly do anything to obtain it. Hornbeam people usually lack a leadership gene. However, they are very good at following instruction, and they are accurate and precise when it comes to taking orders. Hornbeam Tree people are not risk takers. In fact, they rarely take an initiative. Hornbeam people are slow at making decisions, because of their constant fear of making a mistake. When they do make an error, they dont even try to avoid the punishment. Hornbeams are prejudiced against anything new or unknown. They tend to shy away from the latest technology and prefer time-proven methods, even if they are outdated and inefficient. The people of this sign take their emotional life very seriously. Hornbeams avoid casual relationships. They usually luck out with their partners and have very harmonious and drama-free marriages. It may seem like Hornbeam people have no true meaning in life. With no goals in sight, they condemn themselves to run in circles. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing, because Hornbeams are not cut out for battles. In order to be happy they need a quiet life and the comfortable retreat of their home.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:20:21 +0000

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