Horoscopes by Jonathan Cainer Thought for the day 2 January - TopicsExpress


Horoscopes by Jonathan Cainer Thought for the day 2 January 2015 Happy New Year! I said this yesterday. I distinctly remember explaining, too, that it was a prediction, not just a greeting. Then we raised a question. Can any New Year be happy for absolutely everyone? Since then, Ive been thinking. Even if so, is it really fair to expect a constant, uninterrupted supply? If the definition of New Year depends partly on culture, perhaps we should all reflect on the definition of happiness. I am, though, still inclined to predict that this weekend, a surprising number of us will feel able to answer that from positive personal experience! Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19 aquarius Should auld acquaintance be forgot? The poignant New Year anthem by the great Scots bard, Rab Burns, is no longer ringing in our ears. Some of us cant even remember having sung it, just a few hours ago. Yet the crucial question that lies at the heart of this musical poem, remains irritatingly unanswered. To forget? Or not to forget? This weekend, for you at least, unless something really cries out to be remembered, it may be wisest to begin your New Year by allowing it to slip off away into history. Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20 pisces What kind of time do you call this? How have let 2015 go on this long? Without turning your attention to the long list of pressing issues that must not be ignored? You are going to have to start organising your time a little more efficiently in the New Year or a whole series of deadlines will slip away from you and you may yet end up exposed as a wastrel and a neer-do-well. Or then again, the very best way to begin 2015 may be to assert yourself over all pressure (real or imaginary) to hurry. Relax this weekend. Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 aries If you were paying close attention to your forecast earlier this week, you will have noticed that I emphasised the importance of getting one step ahead of yourself. You have chosen a New Years resolution that may not be easy to stick to. You can succeed with this but you probably need to anticipate the various reactions that you are likely to have and the reasons that you may feel inclined to summon in order to justify an exemption from the rule. It is not too late, this weekend, to set yourself more firmly on the right track. Taurus Apr 21 - May 21 taurus This weekend, there is someone that you really dont want to let down. You are determined to keep a promise, honour an obligation and uphold a principle. These are laudable sentiments but they may also be making you a hostage to fortune. Whenever we find ourselves all fired up by one big idea, we become less receptive to new possibilities and intriguing alternatives. Dont make your position so fixed that it leaves you with no room for spontaneity and improvisation. Remember, you are playing a long game now. Gemini May 22 - June 22 gemini A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So said the great Chinese poet Lauzi, sometimes known as Lao Tzu. The same quotation is occasionally attributed to Confucius which conjures the rather unfortunate image of the two venerable philosophers shuffling along, side by side, in some kind of marathon competition to see which one is wisest. But our question, this weekend, is not who said it first? It is are you up to the task that can only be completed by slow, steady, effort? The answer, of course, is yes. Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23 cancer Why do people ever give each other advice? Dont they know that nobody ever really listens to this kind of thing? Even those who actively request it are often only doing so in the rhetorical sense. Be wary, this weekend, of those who seem too keen to tell you what you should do. Resist, in turn, your own urge to proffer an opinion. You will find the right answers emerge naturally from somewhere deep within yourself and a similar natural process will yet affect those you care for. Even what seems wrong can yet come right. Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23 leo Are you ready to start 2015 as you mean to go on? Are you tired of living with dual standards and hollow promises? Are you bored of hearing the phrase one day this will change? Or, eventually, things wont happen in the wrong way any longer? Are you prepared, not just to take action, but to keep on taking action every day, until new routines are established and old habits are forgotten? The power to establish a very different kind of future is in your own hands. Hold them high and start striding ahead. Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23 virgo How is your resolution holding up? It is only the second day of the year. Thus isnt it really too early for congratulation or commiseration? Even if you have done well enough with it so far, many challenges surely still lie ahead. And if, already, your efforts to plough a fresh furrow have caused you to stumble on an unexpected rock, there is plenty of time to slowly loosen it and remove it. Dont be too hasty to judge the New Year by the events of the New Years first weekend. Plenty of fresh, genuine hope still lies ahead for you. Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23 libra Nostalgia, they say, is not what it used to be. Nor is 2014! That was then. This is now! Wasnt it only a year ago, that we were all getting excited because that magical number had now begun to appear on our computer screens and calendars? Yet who in the world is looking forward excitedly to it any longer? 2014? That is so last year! it is the turn of 2015 to revel briefly in the glare of expectation and anticipation. How good can this year really be for you? It can be wonderful if you are now truly willing to let go of the past. Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22 scorpio You cant judge a book by looking at the cover, and you cant judge a year by the events that take place during its first few days. Dont look at whats happening on the news and try to draw conclusions about how the world is changing. Dont read too much into any apparent clues or indications that you seem to be seeing with regard to a new possible trend in your own private world. Just be open to the idea that 2015 may yet be a better year for many people, than the last few years have been. Nurture only your brightest hopes. Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21 sagittarius What do you think of 2016 so far? Really? You honestly dont remember a single moment of 2015? Did it take you that long to sleep off your New Year celebration? Did the whole year fly by in an instant, like a whirlwind? Have you honestly forgotten all that you went through and all that changed? Well, go on then. As a special favour, Ill have a word with the deities of time and space and arrange for you to live through it again. You can begin by savouring this weekends opportunity to slow down a little. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20 capricorn We interrupt this forecast to bring you an important announcement in accordance with governmental austerity requirements. 2015, has been cancelled. We are all to turn our calendars for January 2, 2016. That wont just save us energy, it will help us to collectively avoid an enormous number of expenses we might otherwise have had to incur during the course of the year. I cant quite promise similar solutions to all your problems at a stroke, this weekend. But you may yet have a better brainwave than this!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:52:13 +0000

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