Horoscopes by Jonathan Cainer Thought for the day 24 November - TopicsExpress


Horoscopes by Jonathan Cainer Thought for the day 24 November 2014 Last week, I said that the recent Rosetta mission to land a craft on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has only a subtle symbolic implication. Other astrologers clearly disagree. I have heard some suggest, disapprovingly, that its akin to genetic engineering. But surely, to go messing with nature is, in itself, only human nature! Just as the lunar landings made the Moon seem less distant and therefore, more of a force with which people might negotiate, perhaps we now should view comets less as indisputable omens portending a package of inevitable change and more as cosmic billboards, advertising serving suggestions. Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19 aquarius When people talk to us, we talk back. It is only polite. Yet often, the deeper a conversation gets, the less obvious the communication becomes. What you say reminds the other person of something else, so they tell you about that. This, in turn, reminds them of some other point. We often end up trading anecdotes instead of pursuing meaningful dialogue. Yet the reasons why one person may choose to share a piece of information with another can be very revealing. Look more deeply into the superficial this week. Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20 pisces I dont know much about art but I know what I like. The origins of this phrase are lost in time but the meaning remains clear. It is either what people say when a creative work alienates them or it is how they justify their fondness for what critics abhor. Some might say we all need to learn to appreciate whatever it is that we dont like. But we cant be forced into this - any more than we can be pushed into seeing the merit of anything that we have an initial adversity to. Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 aries There are times when we all wish we didnt know quite as much as we do. There are facts that we might prefer to live in blissful ignorance of. And there are individuals too, whose very acquaintanceship with us can be considered to hold questionable benefit. We cant wipe our minds and ignore what we dont want to see. But we can at least make an effort to open our eyes, even more widely, and allow in fresh ideas, connections and contacts, so that at least we have a few more choices. You can broaden your horizons this week. Taurus Apr 21 - May 21 taurus When people are wrestling with big questions, they sometimes become baffled by more minor matters. It is as if their entire decision making engine has ground to a halt in the process of trying to tackle the overwhelmingly important issue, and now they have simply got no energy left with which to choose between cream or magnolia, corn flakes or crispies, fries or wedges. If a dilemma of this nature is not proving disproportionately difficult to resolve, it may be because, in the grand scheme of things, it hardly matters at all. Gemini May 22 - June 22 gemini My goodness! Its you! Well, Im honoured. If I were wearing a tie, Id straighten it. And, if I had any hair, Id brush it! I mean, I never really expected you to turn up in person when you are clearly so busy. And can it be true that you have come to seek my advice? I thought you were in possession these days, of all the answers to all the questions that could ever possibly arise. Ah, but I forgot. You are a wise Gemini. And this week, you are going to be wise enough to recognise where and when two heads may prove better than one. Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23 cancer Landlords (and others who hire out property to each other for a fixed period of time) often take a deposit to cover the cost of any damage but they are not allowed to withhold this for any deterioration due to fair wear and tear. That all sounds very fair, until you stop to think. Many a dispute must arise over the precise definition of such a catch-all phrase. In your life, this week, is someone saying something that clearly means one thing to them, yet which implies something very different to you? Try to be fair about whats fair. Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23 leo When we pray, does anybody hear us? And are prayers answered any differently depending on to whom they are addressed? What happens to people who follow another religion? And even among people who supposedly worship the same God, are there not some whose private definition of that deity might be unrecognisable to a fellow keeper of that same faith? All prayers, surely, are personal. Surely, too, they go to (and come from) a place beyond all reason. Dont assume, this week, that yours are falling on deaf ears. Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23 virgo Some questions cant ever be answered. Others take an awful lot of answering. How are we supposed to tell the former from the latter? That, in itself, is a question that takes a lot of answering. We may require many years of research and effort before we learn how to distinguish - even if we dedicate the whole of our lives to discovering whether a question is downright impossible or simply difficult - we will be none the wiser. But you must surely look at least a little further before you come to a conclusion this week. Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23 libra New experiences arent always pleasant. We may come to enjoy them. We may even acquire such a taste for them that we relish the thought of having that experience again. Nonetheless, we have a natural predilection for the old, the familiar, the tried and the tested. Whether it is good or bad, at least we know it. But that, in itself is no reason for you to reject this weeks exciting and fresh possibility. Give it a fair trial and allow yourself time to adjust to all that it has to offer you - and all the positive potential that it represents. Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22 scorpio We all have to pick our moments. There is no dispute about that. But people love to argue about the selection process. Should we plan carefully, identifying a series of potential benchmarks and rubicons? Should we make sure that we dont take decisive action until the items on our checklist have been ticked off? Or should we just trust the profound surges of emotion that arise from deep within us and cause us to do or say inexplicable things at sudden moments? However you choose to play things this week, trust yourself. Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21 sagittarius Arent politicians a little like priests? Dont they both stand or fall by their deepest beliefs? Having long since made up their minds about the principles they stand for and the objectives that they feel duty bound to pursue, they are all but uninterested in alternative suggestions. Interestingly, astrological traditions connect the Sagittarian impulse to these same career paths. Thats why you can often stand so steady, even against a strong wind of change. But this week, you must ask whether you still believe what you once believed. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20 capricorn There are some paintings that turn out, on closer inspection, to be optical illusions. We see them for sale in novelty shops. Or they come as collections in books. At first, they give one impression. Only slowly does the hidden image reveal itself. How would we ever know if we were looking at one of these, if we hadnt first been informed about it? It could have been right under our nose for ages and we might still have been none the wiser. This week, you see something new and delightful in an old familiar sight.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:15:30 +0000

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